Blocking Partners

Event Date

Aug 13, 2016


Small group today, but man some big EFFORT was shown.

Skipper was at the helm:



10 IC Front Lunge

10 IC Reverse Lunge

Football Drill

Arm Circles & Michael Phelps

Da' Tang:

Head to the back AO and Partner Up, 1 block per team.

Round 1 of Blocking Partner:

1: Trail Run

2: Burpee Block Cross-Overs (Burpee on one side of block, leap frog sideways over the block, Burpee on the other side) Repeato until runner returns


Round 2:

1: Trail Run

2: Block Curls Max/Skull Crusher Max


Partner Block Mosey to Front of Sailview AO Play Yard.  

Round 3:

1: Block Run around the 2nd tree of the front island and then back to the play yard

2: Crabwalk/Walkcrab


Round 4:

1: Repeato Block Run

2: Inchworm Merkins


Partner Block Mosey back to the AO

Round 5:

1: Backwards Sprint up Small Hill (x3)  = Timer

2: Trifecta Block Cross-Overs  (Same as w/ Burpees but with a Trifecta on either side)


Round 6:

1.) Backwards Sprint up Small Hill (x2) 

2.) Burpee Long Jumps across parking lot of AO

Return Blocks



10 IC Fire Hydrant L

10 IC Fire Hydrant R

10 IC Side Leg Lifts L

10 IC Side Leg Lifts R

:30 Glute Bridge Hold L

:30 Glute Bridge Hold R


Quote from Lou Holtz:  "The man who complains about the way the ball bounces is likely the one who dropped it."  Man, it is easy to complain.  Isn't it?  I fall into that trap constantly.  What Lou says applies to a lot of things outside of football.  It can apply to our families, work, friends, and basically anything.  My old pastor said something one time to me that stuck with me.  "Every time you point the finger at somebody, just remember that you're pointing 3 back at yourself."  Aye.  Hit home for me.  I never feel any better after complaining or blaming.  The same way I feel when I am walloring in the negatives of life.  It's unfulfilling for me.  Not sure why I sure do it.  Let's all try to be a bit more positive, a bit less "complainy"  and remember that we create the environment that we want to live in by the actions we take ourselves.


*After yesterday's 10 miler I was ready for an easy mosey for the pre-standard.  I enjoyed the quiet 4 miler this morning, great thinking time.  Running is such a great time to reflect.

*Great catching-up prior to the workout with Atlantis talking about all of the Olympic swimming action.  

*Vortex keeps killing it with the ol' Boot & Chain.  It's coming off next week, T-Claps

*Dandelion and Gecko show up together at 7 and claim that they only came because they heard that Skipper had the Q.  I took it as a compliment.  I think.

*Prayers-out to everyone dropping the kids off at college

*Where is everybody else at?  Miss ya, mean it.

*Sorry I had to miss coffeteria, baseball assessments have started!  

*Honor to lead and be led by you all today.  Have a great weekend.