Big Hanging Curveball w Surprise Co-Q at The Sword !

Add: Peach Pit (2.0) of Peaches to pax.

16 Super Men of Isotope received a hanging curveball with surprise co-Q by Ditka & YHC.  The timing and pain of this power workout seemed very effective and really think Pax enjoyed !  73 temp with about 85% humidity got the pours opened quickly.  Turn off the faucet !  Here we go !  Pax instructed to grab a Challenging rock before 5:30.  YHC has the first section of pain distribution.


SSH x 20 IC

Windmill x 10 IC

Mericans x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 15 IC

Rocks in the Median: OYO

Line up in parking lane facing back of parking lot with your Challenging rock

Mosey to 1st median with rock, 15 curls, then 20 mericans,

Mosey to 2nd median, repeato

Mosey to 3rd median, 10 skull crushers, 15 scorpion dry docks

Mosey to 4th median, repeato

Plank for pax to finish.

Head back down the parking lot.

Mosey to 1st median with rock, 10 shoulder presses, 15 mericans

Mosey to 2nd median, repeato

Rocks down for use later maybe, mosey to front entrance.

Hey their is a large speaker on the lawn, Yeah Buddy, Suprise pass the Q to DJ Ditka for some shear pain as a given with him !

Curb Crawls – side to side,

bear crawl to 1st curb, 10 incline mericans

lunge walk back to 2nd curb, 9 incline mericans

repeato down to 1 incline merican alternate moving exercises

Mosey to woods for God only knows what.

Grab your favorite Cindy Block:

Kettle Bell Swings x 20 OYO

Curls x 20 IC

Chest Press w low flutter x 20 IC

Zamporini Hold (overhead for which felt like an hour)

Auto & Lego clearly stated shouldn't be so close to the jungle gym bars without pax using them.  All pax one time thru from bar to bar. 

Ditka passes Q back to YHC to mosey out of woods back to parking lot

Circle up for Jump Tuck Burpee Time Bomb –

5 JTBs as pax planks moving around the circle.  5-4-3-2-1 for each pax in circle – Boom !

Those not doing burpees mixed in various exercises including SSH, planks, downward dog.

Mosey to back of parking lot – YHC smoked at this point, but still spinning and grinning.

Cones: Run in and out of the cones for some late post Agility, then repeato thru cones to back of parking lot.

Once again, Auto & Lego (over achievers) pointed out that you should never walk by pull up bars, especially with new gripping tape, and not do at least some pullup.

10 pullups OYO with assist to any pax needing.

Mosey to our rocks to retrieve and return.

MARY: Pass the buck to pax.

Rocket – Mason Twist x 25 IC

YHC – Elbow Plank 15 seconds

Time – Done !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Congratulations to Caboose on his new baby arriving happy and healthy !  He looked a little tired, but still posted strong.  Also congrats on new Master Q at The Sword.  Go Get Em Bro !

(2) Thanks to Ditka for agreeing to surprise Co-Q !  Have to keep things fresh and exciting with the beatdowns.  Think Pax appreciate it !  Go see Ditka at Mighty Oak on Wed.  You will never be disappointed.

(3) River of sweat from this month or more of brutal humidity !  Relief coming soon Pax with some 60s gloom temps coming next week.  Oh Yeah !

(4) Tclaps to Auto & Lego for doing a double standard then picking up The Count & YHC to drag us around the neighborhoods.  Watch for their BRR results !  That team is Loaded.

(5) Thanks to Drive Thru for the original EH in my own kitchen (still BS) !  Boy do I need F3 on a regular basis !  Love it !  Feel great !

Mayhem (in the AM)