Playing with Blocks

Event Date

Aug 18, 2016


7 posted for improvement today, for a no run workout.   Also proved that gravity is still in full effect.  Lots of concrete was moved today.

Warm up:

10 (IC) SSH

10 (IC) Imperial Stormtroopers

10 (IC) Break Dancers

Now down to business……….


Opportunity for Improvement #1:

    Centipede Line with Bear Crawl / Crawl Bear progression

    11’s Roll Back Down with Merkins & Stranded Turtles

Opportunity for Improvement #2:

    Everyone grab a block for the following set:

  1. (10) Goblet Squat – w/ 32# concrete

  2. (10) Stranded Turtle

  3. (10) Panther Merkins

  4. (10) 2 Hand Cling Swing – w/ 32# concrete

  5. (10) Deadlift – w/ 32# concrete

  6. (10) Break Dancers

    30 sec rest

    Repeat-O – full set

    20 sec rest

    Repeat-O – full set

    10 sec rest – full set


    Bent Arm Hang Competition

        Lift up on Pull-up bars, then hold as long as possible

(when you drop off, do Burpees until everyone drops).

  • Round 1 winner – Gecko

  • Round 2 winner – Metro

    With the few minutes we have left, Puddle suggest one more round of blocks.  Yea, Puddle!!  

  • (10) Goblet Squat – w/ 32# concrete

  • (10) Stranded Turtle

  • (10) Panther Merkins

  • (10) 2 Hand Cling Swing – w/ 32# concrete

  • (10) Deadlift – w/ 32# concrete

  • (10) Break Dancers

No time for Mary – but we did do 105 Stranded Turtles and lots of planking


Reflection: The Pax

    From Proverbs 13:20 “Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm”.   

REad this passage last week, “The people we surround ourselves with either raise or lower our standards.  They either help us to become the-best-version-of=ourselves, or encourage us to become lesser versions of ourselves.  We become like our friends.  No man becomes great on his own.  People around them help make them great.”  

We all need people in our lives who raise our standards, remind us of our essential purpose, and challenge us to become the best-version-of-ourselves.  

Before you think this is a “pick your friends carefully” reflection, it’s not (although it could be).  From the Q, this is gratitude reflection.  So grateful for all the Denver Pax and men of F3.  After 3 years, I can tell you I’m a better husband, father and man because of your influence and accountability.

Mole Skin:

  • 7 strong allowed the Q to try some new workout ideas

  • T-claps to Mulligan for the preworkout run  

  • Votex continues to impress posting with “the Boot”

  • Some talk of a Pax losing a digit from Vortex’s boot during bear crawls

  • Not a lot of mumble chatter (or counting) this morning.

  • Congratulations to Gecko and Metro for winning our 1st “bent arm hang” competition.  Surprising how long someone will hold themselves off the ground when the penalty for dropping is Burpees.

  • Really a fun time leading this morning.  Thanks for the opportunity

  • And that’s the recap for your free workout.

  • Sound off below if you have any comments.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb