Tug of War…

Event Date

Aug 16, 2016


[Tipper was also there.  Somebody help him create a login.]

The rest of the PAX in spirit – Missed you…

Q was a bit late, sorry…


·         SSH – 10IC – Per Goodwrench

·         Mountain Climbers – 10IC – Per Goodwrench

·         Side Straddle Hop-Go-Round – To the right – 20IC

·         Switch Directions: Side Straddle Hop-Go-Round – To the left – 20IC

·         Dandelion Merkin – 15IC

·         Windmill – 10IC

·         Plank jack – 20IC

·         LBH (Little baby hill) mosey – To gather in the parking lot

The Thang:

Get in groups of 2, Goodwrench left early to even things out…

2 volunteers grabbed 2 blocks, had 2 other props: 2 – 25lb aerator weights & Lightbulb’s fire hoses

4 stations:

·         Tug of War up the LBH (Used Lightbulb’s Fire Hoses) – Was the timer

1.      1 pulled up the hill, 1 held them back

2.      1 pulled down the hill, 1 held them back

·         Block curls for Girls

·         Squats – I was able to do 50ish

·         WW1 Sit-ups


4 stations:

·         Tug of War up the LBH, reverse partner positions from Round 1 – Was the timer

1.      1 pulled up the hill, 1 held them back

2.      1 pulled down the hill, 1 held them back

·         Swings w/ 25lb aerator weight

·         Squats – I was able to do 50ish

·         WW1 Sit-ups

LBH mosey, circle up in the parking lot

Dandelion Merkin – 15IC

All mosey to the back, return blocks

Grab your partner…

Mini meat grinder:

·         Hanging toe touches – 10 as the timer

·         Little baby dips

·         Australian rows

·         Calf raises

Dandelion Merkin – 15 IC


·         Hanging toe touches – 10 as the timer

·         Little baby dips

·         Australian rows

·         Calf raises

Dandelion Merkin – 15 IC

LBH Mosey, gather in the parking lot

Time for Mary:

·         Per Retread: Low Flutter – 15IC

·         Per Gecko: Tony Hawks – 10IC

·         Crazy Cheetahs (American Hammers) – 30ish seconds


Ran out of time, ashamed… But, food for thought:

You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government first take from someone else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.” – Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931


·         Sorry that I was late, thx to GW for covering for me

·         That was tough for me, hope the same for you.

·         T-Claps to Retread on the pre-1 mile run, others may have also

·         Our 2 cripples don’t behave like they are, amazed w/ Footer & Vortex’s efforts

Enjoyed the lead today men, behave.

My Best, Dandelion