Wilderness was ready for some Football

16 of Isotope’s finest found out that they were ready for some Football F3 Style at the Wilderness.



Mosey through parking lot; Lap of High Knees; Lap of Butt Kickers; Karoki

SSH x 25 IC; Cotton Picker x 15 IC; Mountain Climbers x 15 IC; Slow Squat x 15 IC



·         Indian Run from Hooville Tree to Rock Pile at Pain Clock – football is passed through line and when it reaches the end, sprint to front.

·         Partner Up SDNM and pick-up one traveling rock two partners.

Linemen and Running Backs

1st Quarter: Lineman (P1) bear crawls around Pain Clock while Running Back (P2) runs draw play on Travolta Hill loop with rock. Flip/Flop. Plank when both partners complete cycle until entire PAX finishes.

2nd Quarter: Lineman (P1) crab walks around Pain Clock while Running Back (P2) runs sweep play Travolta Hill loop with rock. Flip/Flop. Plank when both partners complete cycle until entire PAX finishes.


Halftime: P1 does 5 burpees with P2 does skull crushers AMRAP. Flip/Flop.


Quarterbacks and Receivers

3rd Quarter: Quarterback (P1) squats with rock while Receiver (P2) runs route on Travolta Hill loop. Flip/Flop. Plank when both partners complete. Added 10 Merkins IC.

4th Quarter: Quarterback (P1) squats with rock while Receiver (P2) runs route on Travolta Hill loop. Flip/Flop.  Plank when both partners complete. Added 20 LBCs IC and 10 Low Flutters IC.


Indian Run from Rock Pile to Hooville Tree with football passed through line.





–          Hope everyone enjoyed the creativity with football in the workout. With school starting and fall sports in full swing I thought it was timely. My prayer failed to mention the start of school and the desire for all children everywhere to have a safe and productive school year. Likewise, all those with children participating in sports and all parents who support, including volunteering as coaches, have great seasons that teach all valuable lessons about teamwork, preparation and leadership.

–          Sweet C correctly pointed out that there were no defensive drills in this workout. Perhaps there’s an opportunity for a future workout with that in mind?

–          Respect to Hippie as War Daddy—no slowing him down as he easily passed me in the 3rd quarter running.

–          Amen – T-claps for continued hard work and being a great example by bringing out the 2.0’s

–          Continued prayers for Toxic as he and his family deal with the loss of his mother.

–          Everyone should be aware of the Isotope 5 year anniversary this Saturday 7AM at North Meck Park. Great opportunities for 2nd F immediately afterwards and family picnic later that afternoon.

–          As always thanks to The Force for giving me the privilege of leading this group. Great work men!