Fire Hose Circuit

Total of 17 PAX today!

3 Not listed above were: Jeeves, FNG 2.0 Liam, and FNG “JJ”. Liam, we’ll get you a nickname upon your next post! As for JJ, we learned a little about him, but the quickly named him “Dynamite!” Welcome aboard brother!

Couple folks had to leave a smidge early, so hope I got all the names right!

Tclaps to the PAX that came early for a little hill work over in Trilogy. 

Tclaps to those who helped setup and tear down the elaborate circuit I cooked up for us today.

Now for the good stuff:

I was able to obtain 6 fire hoses from a fire department, turning them into our own battle ropes.  4 were kept for Mustang, and 2 were sent on there way to Sailview as a gift from Mustang!  Give it away!  These will be brought out at any Q's request!  Use them!  They worked well!

Warm-o- rama

10 IC L Side Fire Hydrant
10 IC R Side Fire Hydrant
10 IC Windmills Cotton Pickers
10 IC Touch ground Cotton Pickers

The Thang

20 Merkins
Alernating Whips for 1 min
30 Squats
Rope Slams for 1 min
50 LBC on sidewalk
Lunge walk 40 yards
30 Australian Pull ups
5 pull ups
20 Curls
Sprint (10 count after)
20 Skull Crushers
Bear Crawl Steps
Water and Repeat for 45 minutes

42 Crossover LBC’s (Right elbow to Left knee, then L elbow to R knee).


Beware False Prophets…

2 Peter 2:1 ESV

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing upon themselves swift destruction.

Definition of Heresy – any belief or theory that is strongly at variance with established beliefs or customs.

Double check me brothers, along with any other who teaches you, that their message is truly from scripture, and not a twisted false teaching.

Pleasure to lead!
