Circle Jerking…

12 super strong men conquered the "Urge of the Snooze" to savor some much needed QT w/ blocks in our hands… Plus a visiting "TheFort" Pax member, Big Papi, a warm welcome, hope to see you return!


  • Skipper Hops – 50IC
  • Cotton Pickers – 10IC
  • Plank Jack – 15IC
  • Windmills – 10IC
  • Dandelion Merkon – 15IC

The Thang:

  • LBH (Little bay hill) Mosey, continue to the back to get a block, return to the front

?Put blocks to the side…

  • Bear Crawl (BC) Suicide
    • BC to the last line of the lower parking lot, mosey back
    • BC to the 1st line of the upper parking lot, mosey back
    • BC to the last line of the upper parking lot, mosey back
  • Crab Walk (CW) Suicide
    • CW to the last line of the lower parking lot, mosey back
    • CW to the 1st line of the upper parking lot, mosey back
    • CW to the last line of the upper parking lot, mosey back

Grab a block…

  • Circle up
    • Curls for girls – 15IC
    • Block Press – 15IC
    • Skull Crushers – 15IC
    • Block Rows – 15IC
    • Trifecta – 10IC

Put blocks to the side…

  • Standard Suicide (SS)
    • SS to the last line of the lower parking lot, SS back
    • SS to the 1st line of the upper parking lot, SS back
    • SS to the last line of the upper parking lot, SS back
  • Karaoke up the parking lot facing the playground, up & back
  • Karaoke up the parking lot facing the road, up & back
  • Lunges up the parking lot, lunges back

15 count via Lightbulb, grab a block…

  • Circle up
    • Curls for girls – 10IC
    • Block Press – 10IC
    • Skull Crushers – 10IC
    • Block Rows – 10IC
    • Trifecta – 10IC

LBH Mosey, 15 count via ReTread, grad a block…

  • Circle up
    • Curls for girls – 10IC
    • Block Press – 10IC
    • Skull Crushers – 10IC
    • Block Rows – 10IC
    • Trifecta – 10IC

LBH Mosey, return blocks to the back


  • Hanging Toe Touches – 15IC
  • Mosey to the front
  • World War 1 Sit-Ups – 25IC


Home for the night? Put down your phone. Out to eat w/ your family? Put down your phone. Disconnect, to connect w/ the ones that matter around us. WWJD?


  • ?Getting dark heading to the back, myself & ReTread bruised up our shins as proof!
  • Blocks suck, but I do love them!
  • This one hurt me, again! Hope the same for you!
  • Sorry for the delayed backblast, although proud as it was posted on my own!

Totally enjoyed facilitating your pain gentlemen, a true pleasure!

My Best, Dandelion