Have you checked out FarmersOnly.Com? It’s got a bunch of 9’s…

An FNG Got named today!  Congrats Orange Zone!  Now sign up on the website homey!!!  

Quick Disclaimer: It’s on you….

Old MacDonald had a farm…10 happy Pax, which included 1 FNG on his 2nd Post, grabbed our hoes and went to work. 

With a plethora of “older” PAX today, concentration was placed on minimal running.  Check that…NO RUNNING.  Turnpike ran for all of us as he completed 7 miles in a sad clown Standard before the beat down ensued.  This is how she went down:

WARM-O-RAMA: Did I hear a Niner? 


Hand Release Merkins X 9 IC


Toy Soldier X 9 IC

Happy Feet (PAX yell out HIT IT around circle) x 9

AB Crunch X 9 IC (Luther-the 5 month old Dalmatian helped with this one)

Pistol Squat X 9 IC (Arms up squat with one leg extended) 

Plank Walk X 9 to Right and X 9 to Left

Elbow to Knees X 9 IC (Like Freddie Mercury)

Narrow Grip Merkins X 9 IC

Straight Leg Hip Raises X 9 IC (Lawn Dart sat this one out)


Mosby (thanks Grey Ghost) to Cindy Sticks-Grab two CB’s each

Farmer’s Carry to bottom of stairs- Slow Squat X 9 IC

Farmer’s Carry to 1st Corner- 9 pullups OYO

Farmer’s Carry to 2nd Corner- 9 low curl IC, 9 high curl IC, 8 full curl IC (missed one here)

Farmer’s Carry to 3rd Corner- Leave one CB and Zamperini to covered area for the "Fireside Chat"

9 step ups/leg w/ CB OYO 

Dips X 9 IC 

Inverted one handed inclined block Merkins X 9 OYO (one right, one left)

Dips X 9 IC one more time…

Farmer’s Carry back to Cindy Steps-WAIT…don't go yet….Put down those CB's…

Line up along curb-Bear Crawl to opposing curb- 9 incline Merkins.    Lung walk back to other curb…8 incline Merkins….bear crawl to curb- 7 incline Merkins….6,5,4,3,2,1, all the way to zero.

Head to the woods!  Return 19 3/4 Cinderblocks (thanks Schneider) back to their parking spots and circle up for Mary


Whistle 100’s- WSSL Radio in Greenville, SC Today’s Hot NEW Country….thanks Turnpike for leading us in his version of “let’s count to 100 while wafting your flatulence”.  It hurts the abs!

The Alphabet- brought to you by Lawn Dart.  ALL CAPS….ALL THE TIME!   Frogger called BS on the “speediness” of this exercise.  Apparently he wanted our leg motion to be in BOLD 36 font!  He did share a great history lesson of a real human kabob torture technique performed some 600+ years ago.  #Show2Know

Recover Recover


It’s always a fun time at the “Niner Ranch” and is a true honor to lead such great men.  A special thanks goes out to Schneider who brought FNG “Orange Zone” out for the 2nd time and named him.  Orange Zone is an amateur chef, a massage/spa owner, an Oklahoma Sooner, an Air Force Vet, and a Vegan.  Not sure if he likes long walks on the beach…but I’ll try to find out.  It was good to see Grape Ape out in attendance today.  Thanks for participating and keep coming back.  It works if you work it…wait, that’s something else.  Thor- you’re a beast, Bandit-you’re a regular…and Swede…your mother and I speak very fondly of you. 

Lots of love y’all….Limburger (hmmpht!)