Getting Smoked in the Smoker’s Lounge

Event Date

Sep 06, 2016


10 pax posted to an unexpected smokefest for the entire anatomy.  We had one FNG (2nd post) not mentioned in pax names.  A hearty welcome to "Staypuft" (fka Tim Killoran) who was abandoned by his EH (don't want to mention any names, but it rhymes with DDP) on only his 2nd post.  It's probably best since DDP would have named him something cooler or more appropriate, and we don't like that around F3.


Mosey (backwards, side shuffle, butt kickers, high knees) to the top of the parking lot for some warmorama.  I didn't plan, nor remember all of the exercises or repetition counts, but here is about how the initial COP went:

SSH x20ic

IST x10ic

Mountain Climbers x10ic

Mericans x10ic

Windmill x10ic

Toy Soldier x10ic

Slow Squats x15ic

Mosey to the bus lot for merican ladder suicides: Run to the 1st goal, 5 mericans and back, 2nd goal, 10 mericans and back, 3rd goal, 15 mericans and back, 4th goal 20 mericans and back.

Partner Up for some "Helping Hands" x5 each hand each partner

Mosey to the wall for some People's Chair with Air Press, Sweet Carolina Dry Docks and Turkish Get Ups (foreshadowing)

First Smoker's Lounge: Run to the wall, 6 Sweet Carolina Dry Docks, run back to the curb, 6 Turkish Get Ups

Find some curb for Balboas (Riverdance) with arms out front x15ic, repeato with arms overhead x15ic

Mosey to the playground for some reverkins on the monkey bars with your feet on your partner's shoulders x10, repeato x5

Line Hops at the hopscotch area

2nd Smoker's Lounge same as the first (T-Bone had enough and disappeared into the gloom)

3rd Smoker's Lounge same as the first

Mosey around to the front steps.  Wheel barrow up, flip flop, rinse, repeat.

On to the front porch for some hip slappers (with feet on the wall) x10ic

Mosey back for MARY:

LBC x20ic

Heels to Heaven x10ic

Big Baby Crunch x10ic

WW2 Sit Up x10





-I thought I was in Bizarro World this morning when I arrived. Turnpike was standing waiting for others to arrive without having run already himself AND The Force ran the Standard plus some extra before the workout started.  By the way, many thanks to The Force for reminding me of what exercises were next.  You were in my head all morning…wait for it…

-The abundant repetitions of Turkish Get Ups got an "Istanbul-S*&%" by Stray.  Very creative.

-Turnpike was quick to notice that I was actually paying attention to our conversation last week regarding the lack of back exercises typical of an F3 workout.  I hope our bodies are more symmetrical after this beatdown.

-After T-Bone let me know he had to leave by 0600, I altered the workout a bit so he wouldn't have to travel far to get back to his car.  You're welcome!

-Skywalker was a beast on those steps this morning.  Lesser men would have given up, but you are an inspiration to us all!

-Welcome to Staypuft!  You were a trooper out there today.  I saw you a couple times wait for everyone else to start an exercise before you jumped in.  That's half the fun of your first few weeks is figuring out what in the world we are talking about.  You are now one of us, so jump in and let ANYONE know if you need help.  It doesn't get easier, but you get better at faking it (HA HA).