Love is the Word at Amen workout

14 PAX including 1 FNG(2nd post) met at Foundry for Friday Fun Amen workout.Warmup Mosey through parking lot to the pull up bars with butt-kickers, high knees, karaoke.Psalm 118:24SSH x 25IST x15Cotton pickers x 15Toy Soldier x 15Windmill x 15Merkins x 10Squat x 10The Thang10 Pull-upsWe used the whole parking lot today, up and down each aislePower skip halfway down then sprint to endMerkins at end then Bear crawl halfway down next aisle, sprint rest of wayJohn 15:13Carolina Dry docks at end then crab walk half way then sprintSquats then quadriphelia to other endMerkins then power skip halfway then sprint to wall for:Peoples chair, Balls to the walls, dips and Muhammad Ali RepeatoMosey to rock pile grab rockI Corinthians 13:4-8Low curls, High curls, full curlsShoulder pressSkull crushersSquats with rock5 rock burpees oyoChest pressI John 4:7-8Mary – PAX calledAlways start with some J-LoStay there for some Pickle poundersLow flutterWe finished with a Bam Bam exercise. Seemed like a half burpee. I forget what he called it.Recover, RecoverRevelation 5:13-14COTMoleskineWelcome 2nd post Luke Bolen named Pied Piper by PAX since he played trombone at Clemson.We all loved Hallelujah calling cadence for Merkins-his imitation of Goat was spot on.I forgot what karaokes were called was reminded then when we ran quads I called them Karaokes so thanks to Toxic for reminding me. Where was my head lol.The verses you see in the BB are what I quote during workouts. I hope you all can take a look and are encouraged. Love was the focus today. I know at one point Toxic was not feeling the love for me. That is ok though, when he was done I hope he felt it. Thanks to Don Ho for the privilege of leading this great group of men.Prayers of safety to all BRR teams this weekend. Go get em!I leave you all with this.1 Timothy 4:8 “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”Grace and peace in HimAnd they all said Amen