Skipper’s BRR Withdrawals

Event Date

Sep 17, 2016

5 punched the sloth in the mouth and helped Skipper get through some BRR withdrawls.  Skipper was at the helm.

So the BRR pointed out some glaring weaknesses for me. Namely, glutes and hammies.  They are the engine that gets you to the top of a hill, so let's work on them a bit.  Oh, and we're gonna do some hills too.

Warm Up-ARAMA:

20 IC Seal Jacks

10 IC Front Lunges

10 IC Reverse Lunges

Arm Circles

Da' Tang:

Indian Run to End of Rustling Woods, stopping when PAX name is called to have them lead us in a 5 IC Merkin variation.  Last man sprints to the front as well.

Partner-Up.  1 partner will always be running a cul de sac, while the other performs the called exercise and then rotate.  Each cul de sac gave us short, medium and long hill work.  Run the sac at your 5k pace.

Cul de Suck #1: Side Lunges

#2: Jump Squats

#3: Fire Hydrants L/R

#4: Side Leg Lifts L/R

#5: Single leg Glute Bridge Pulses L/R

#6: Dippy Birds L/R

Indian Run back to AO



10 IC Plank Ups

10 IC Winshield Wiper

:45 Mason Twist


Galatians 6:9:  Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.  I thought of this quite frankly as I was running up a hill on my second leg at about midnight last Sat. night during the BRR.  Somewhere in the mountains, on a foggy, dark Highway 226 i found myself wanting to give-up on that last hill.  My head was not in it, my legs were heavy, and it felt like my shoes weighted 20lbs each.  I thought about this scripture and how that hill could easily represent all the things that I've given up on w/ little to no effort to dig-deep.  On my run this morning prior to F3 w/ Abrams, he told a similar story, about how he looked up and he couldn't see the top of the hill he was climbing because of the fog.  With no end in sight, its easy to give-up.  Throw in the towel.  Especially when you can't see the hill/obstacle in front of you.  I'm glad I had God on my side, to give me that strength to not grow weary because I definitely needed it!  Anyways, just thought of this correlation and wanted to share it.  Hope you can relate it to an obstacle or hill your trying to tackle.


  • T-Claps to Anvil.  Great news shared about his wife and her recovery.  
  • Great to see you Big Easy.  He's been working a lot of hours and hopefully he'll be able to spend some more time with us soon.
  • Abrams killed it as usual.  I wish I had half the drive you have bro.  Love that the BRR guys started calling you "Tank"
  • Gillette just keeps at it with no complaining.  You can throw a jab at the Q every once in awhile bro!  Nice job.
  • So all-in-all we did a 5k today, 3.1mles, most of which were hills.  Great job.  
  • As always, an honor to lead and be lead by you…have a great weekend fellas.
