Much Moisture at True Grit -Come on Really !

Event Date

Sep 17, 2016

5 of F3s finest signed up for the early shift of True Grit at St. Marks.  66 temp with about 85% humidity led to moisture and shear madness on a Saturday !  This is what you should know.

Mosey down one parking lane, then switchback for karaoka to the fountain.


Windmill x 10 IC

IST x 15 IC

Mericans x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 15 IC

SSH x 25 IC

Grab your own bench in the fountain area.


Dips x 10 IC, Incline Mericans x 10 IC, Dips x 15 IC, Decline Mericans x 10 IC, Step Ups x 15 each leg, LBCs x 15 IC, Peter Parkers x 20 IC

Repeato with changes in counts:

Dips x 10 IC, Incline Mericans x 10 IC, Dips x 10 IC, Decline Mericans x 5 IC, Step Ups x 15 each leg, LBCs x 15 IC, Peter Parkers x 15 IC

Mosey to parking lot.


Lunge walk with Air Press to first parking island, then Quadrephelia to the pull-up bars.

Pull ups OYO AMRAP, some pax 5, some 10, some in between,

Next set each pax to get to 10 with spot if needed.

Repeato on Lunge Walk with Air Press to first parking island, then Quadrephelia,

Tripeato on Lunge Walk with Air Press to first island, then Quadrephelia to Cindy Shed (shoulders starting to burn at this juncture – smouldering)

Cindy Block (she cool):

Each pax grabs a 28ish lb Cinder Block

Curls x  10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, Bent Over Rows x 10 IC, 5 Burpees OYO, then Repeato full set

Mosey back to fountain area under cover for MARY.


Rosalita x 20 IC, Low Flutter x 20 IC, Reach & Catch x 20 IC, Mason Twist x 15 IC, Elbow Plank 10 sec.

Time – DONE !

Rumple Moleskin:

(1) Thanks to Crimson for allowing me to Q True Grit at St. Mark.  Great early beatdown location for Saturdays !

(2) Primo texted me about 5:30am Sat to mooch a ride. Probably wished he stayed in the FS after the Savage beatdown thrust upon him.  Really I was half asleep until we moseyed away from the fountain – Ha.

(3) Got alot done in 45 minutes with these Beasts – Ty Webb, Carpet Bagger, Turncoat (running into AO from way out West), and Primo

(4) Thanks to the Men of F3 for letting me in the door !  I'm having a Blast !  BRR was Amazing this year !

Mayhem (in the AM)