Samson happened, i promise

Well, Thursday was busy, Friday was worse, Saturday was even busier and Sunday was as well.  Then monday came and I forgot what we did on Thursday.  Qfail.  But alas, here is the best I got 5 days late.

0500: Turnpike and I ran about 2.5 of the worst miles i can remember.  Still hurting from BRR.  *Update, i feel good 5 days later.  Carpetbagger also ran, so there's that.

0530: Warmorama on the grass, Limburgers dog decided to relieve himself so we had to move…smh

SSH x 15(IC)

Cotton Picker x 15 (IC)

IST x 15 (IC)

Then we go get blocks, because at Samson we lift stuff!

Partner up, Partner 1 farmers carry the blocks around the circle, Partner 2 lunge walk to meet up going the other way.  Switch when you meet up.

Then we did a combination of block curls, chest presses, a whole lotta zamparini, some block merkins, bent rows, skull crushers and screaming whirlers.

Partner back up for farmers carries and the other partner runs.  Switch when you meet.

Repeato the block cycle with the combination above and then put the blocks back, watch Grape Ape conquer the monkey bars and COT/

Men, my applogies for getting this out so late, really didn't have a chance to do it Thursday and time got away.  Will get it out sooner next time, cobains.

Great to see an FNG (Tweetledee) out at this workout.  He has since been named Gravedigger but I will call him Tweetledee until he gets registered on the website.

Thanks to Limburger for the invite and as always Black Eyed Pea for getting me in to F3.  3 years later I have been able to experience so much and have build amazing bonds with the Pax and their families.  This is more than just a 45min workout in the AM, go dig deeper into the 2nd & 3rdF events and share this gift with somebody.  There are men praying for it right now, I was one of them 3 years ago!
