Mawiage – That Bwessed Awangement that…

The morning began with 3 – 5 mile run (depending on how lost you got and whether you are Don Ho or not) and more than a drizzle fo shizzle.  We finally collected the PAX and began the bootcamp.  It was Murph-esk.  No pul-ups, but lots of muricans and squats.  The rain was literally in buckets and we called it 5 minutes early due to ah, he-hem, lightening.

Earl Grey had hot coffee and dry chairs waiting and Don Ho was as smooth as butter paying for the java up front (thanks bro!).  There was some minor mumblechatter regarding the "Changing of the Guard" between Etch-A-Sketch, Dingo, and Mr. Burns.  There were two things clear as it died down.  I don't know what they were, but I'm sure they were clear.

Another item of clarity I had to make is that I am certainly not qualified to lead a discussion on marriage except for the fact that I have struggled to be "a good husband".  I have not been unfaithful to my wife, but if someone were to grade me on other matters of "husbandry" I am certain I'd get an F in a few other categories.  I forget stuff.  I argue for no "good" reason.  I don't incite riots, but I don't stop them well.  I forget stuff.  Sorry.  Forgot I mentioned that already.

Proverbs 21:9 and 25:24 ESV

"It is better to live in a corner of a housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife."

Our focus was to reflect on ways we have contributed to a quarrelsome wife.  We did so and you must #Show2Know to get the deets on that one.  However, it is important to note that the wisest man ever to live felt obligated to include this proverb, verbatim, twice.

Here are few truths and questions we wrestled with this morning.  I challenge you to wrestle with them too.

  1. Most arguements are started and unfinished because we focus on the other person's behavior and our needs.  We should focus on the other person's needs and our own behavior.
  2. How are you investing in your wife?
  3. Do you believe the Holy Spirit lives in your wife?  Then why don't you listen to her more?
  4. If your boss graded you on being a good husband, would you get a raise?
  5. If your boss asked you to write a 30-60-90 day plan of what you would do to get your next promotion could you do it?  What if your next promotion was being a "good husband" judged by your wife?


Write your 30-60-90 plan of how to be a "good husband" as judged by your wife then #doIt.

In the Gloom,



Thanks to all for showing up this morning ready to do work and sharpen each other's marriage skills.  I am humbled.