
Event Date

Oct 08, 2016

Four of MIL's finest made it out into the 100% precipational gloom to make their very own predictions. And here is there story. 
Jog, high knees, karaoke x2, backwards run. SSH, TS, Windmill, Cotton/Cherry Pickers, IST
The Thang
Part I – 4×4 Rally in the parking lot
Do one exercise in each corner of the parking lot for 30 seconds then run to next corner.
1st set
Frog jumps
1 min rest
2nd set
Mason twist
Carolina Dry Dock
Apollo Anton Ono
1 min rest
3rd set – repeato of the 1st set
4th set – repeato of the 2nd set
Run 1/5 puddle jumper mile. 
Squats 15 I/C
Run 1/5 puddle jumper mile back to lot 
Part II 
Follow Q to the back of the suburban.  Come get yo bricks!
Do the following exercises with the accompaniment of bricks:
– Squats with alternating overhead shoulder press
– Shoulder extensions out to side
– Front shoulder extensions
– Bent over shoulder flies out to side
– Gun show (curls)
– Bent over row
– Skull crushers
– Brick incline mercans on curb
– Brick dips on curb
– Mason twist with bricks 
– With rain coming down pretty hard in the early morning darkness, this could have been an easy workout to pass on. Not sure who if any would show while en route, and thought we may just do some quick exercises and head to breakfast at Shuffletown. Ended up having a great crew out there who was up for a full workout and we had a blast, thanks men
– iPhone accompaniment to help time the exercises on the 4×4 in the pouing rain may not have been a great idea. 
– Q thought about audibling some exercises (lbc and mason twist) due to wetness but at a certain point it's not really possible to get any wetter
– 911 is one definitely ready for a boat ownership as he showed up on the workout donning a Gilligan/little buddy style lid
– Birth control pills have been shown to cause depression in some women. Q's theory is that if you finally decide to go and get some and go on the pill, failure to get some could be depressing. The rhythm method not a doctor prescribed effective form of birth control. Scheduled abstinence has been proven to be more effective from a creigton study
– Brick dips on the curb over the parking lot drainage serve to cool the accumulated humidity in your shorts (or less delicately, wash down the swamp butt). This was the first time in memory that the choice of curb placement for an exercise mattered (some unfortunately chose to be located downriver)
– Prayers for doubles 4 yr old nephew in Missouri who has strange sores on his body that the doctors continue to evaluate the cause of
– Great work men!