Red Rover, Red Rover let my partner come over

I rolled into the gloom to find a host of pax, ready and eager to endure the test ahead of us.  18 in all showed to test their might. Little did they know this was a test of teamwork and not what they could accomplish on their own. 


SSH x 30 IC

Windmill x 15 IC

Mountain Climber x 15 IC

Cotton Picker x 15 IC


The Thang:

Partner Up! Oh look we have an even number,Great!

Line up across the basketball court from your partner

YHC explains the rules. Do an excercise to get you to the middle of the court, Partner exercise in the middle, Exercise to get you back to the start.  Clear as muddy water? ok great lets do this!

Round 1:

Bear Crawl to the middle

Partner Hand Slap Merkins x 15

Bear Crawl Back to the Start

Round 2:

Walk Crab to the middle

Modified Jaber Wokie x 15 (high five your partner each time up)

Crab Walk back to start

Round 3:

Broad Jump Burpees to the middle

Partner Lunges x 10 each leg per partner

Broad Jump Burpees back to the start

Round 4:

Inch Worm Merkins to middle

Buddy-ups (Helping Hands) x 5 each side per person

Inch Worm Merkins back to the start

Repeato Round 3!

Repeato Round 2!

Repeato Round 1!

Say fairwell to your partner, circle up in the middle of the court



Start at 10 going around the circle, each time the person to your right get to the count of 2 you start. Going from 10 down to 1.  Yeah that was a bad idea!!!


Low-Flutter x 20 IC

The W x 20 IC

Touch dem Heels x 20 IC

IBC x 20 IC


Recover, Recover!!!



YHC has the Bourbon Chase this weekend so the stretch was needed but the pax seemed to enjoy it more than me!

Alway enjoy the mumblechatter at Wilderness! The OGs know how this is done!

Lots of chatter about whether to hold hands with your partner during the partner lunges. I said you'd get extra credit on the BB if you did. Suckers! Just kidding here it is. Great job! you know who you are! Travolta and I got stronger today, thats all I know!

Thanks to The Force for letting me take the reigns today! This AO always bring a great crowd and each of you are part of why F3 is awesome! 
