LFC Men’s Breakfast Beatdown

Event Date

Oct 15, 2016

Five seemingly eager PAX showed up (including one FNG) for this beatdown on a day where the PAX can experience all 3F’s.  Whatley isn't in the PAX list and FNG's name is Shoan Strange.  It’s been two years since we officially opened up this great AO and it is awesome to see to see how this AO has grown. 

15 Cotton Pickers IC
10 Merkins IC
10 Peter Parkers IC
Bear Crawl to the side of the parking lot


Cackaleechee Choo Choo to the pull up bars

Up next…Four Corners:

Corner One: 15 Burpees
Corner Two: 50 Merkins
Corner Three: 15 Pull Ups
Corner Four: 50 CDD

Bear Crawl the shorter lengths of the parking lot
Sprint the longer length of the parking lot

Head to the Monkey Bars
One time over, but stop at the top…..5 Pull Ups

Plank Until PAX finishes

Quadriphillia out of the Monkey Bars

Head to the parking lot for some suicides

Round One:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 Burpees
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 Burpees
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 Burpees
Sprint entire width of parking lot and back

Round Two:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 Merkins
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 Merkins
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 Merkins
Sprint entire width of parking lot and back

Round Three:
Sprint 15 yards and back – 15 CDD
Sprint 30 yards and back – 10 CCD
Sprint 45 yards and back – 5 CCD
Sprint entire width of parking lot and back

– It was great to be back at this great AO for today’s workout. YHC humble opinion, this is the best AO in NoCo.
– Cackalackee Choo Choo is long when you only have five PAX.
– FNG Shoan added the additional sprints after the suicides.
– Tclaps to Ramrod for running six miles before the workout.
– Great to see Whatley and Carpet Bagger out this morning. Whatley was impressed with the monkey bars.
– YHC was glad everyone stayed and listed to our speaker for the Men's Breakfast, USA Women's Olympic Swim Coach David Marsh.

See you in the gloom again soon,