The men at the Sword are now mightier

FLO was in attendance as well, to make 10

Quick little mosey


25 SSH

15 Cotton pickers

1 squat – it was a long squat though

The Thang:

Some sprint work

first run from one side of parking lot to other at 25% pace

zig zag through parking lot picking up 25% per run ending at 110%

To pull bars and partner up for ladder up on pull ups and ladder down on merkins

20 merkins for partner one

6 pull ups partner 2

Flap and Jack

Decrease push-ups by 5

Increase pulls ups by 2

DO this for 3 rounds each

Once complete we do broad jump hand release burpees over each space across the parking lot. (about 15)

Do our sprint work at 25% and increasing to 110% .

Bear crawl halfway across parking lot, then crab walk rest of way.

10 REAL Mountain Climbers in Cadence

Mosey back to pull up bars

Repeat three rounds of entire workout above.  (last round we cut the reps in half)

Do our sprint work again

Pick up a big rock:

Partner one does squat thrusters while partner 2 runs a 200 yard lap

Flap and then next time the partner does flutter kicks while pushing up cinder block

Alternate for three to four rounds of each exercise. 

Circle up

Bam Bams to 6


  • Great work by the 10 men that showed up today.  I don't think it was an easy workout and the PAX pushed hard
  • Not much chatter, Overbudget helping to make sure we do hand release burpees, good idea!
  • Good to see Flo back after a year hiatus.  Hope he continues coming back.
  • Time for an FNG push i think.  Let's work hard to get some more PAX out here, would be great to need another AO soon.
  • Caboose mentioned he needs Q's for the Sword so sign up…or he mentioned that i would take it again and for some reason he didn't want that.  

An honor and a priviledge to lead this am, thanks Caboose for allowing me to do so.

We are extremely fortunate to be a part of F3, share it and spread it.  

Make it a great week,

Bam Bam