Chelsea Visits Dragon Slayer

12 brave souls (inlcuding 1 FNG, welcome Citgo) showed up to a kettlebell workout only to leave the KB's at the rendezvous point. The workout was simple, but anything but easy. Only a handful were familiar with Chelsea. The rest of the PAX would become intimate with her fury after 30 minutes.


  • Mosey to lower left hand of parking lot
  • SSH 20X IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper 15X IC
  • Cotton Picker 10X IC
  • Squat 10X IC

The Thang – Mosey to pull-up forest

  • 5 pull-ups, 10 Muricans, 15 squats – every minute, on the minute, for 30 minutes
  • Totals:
    • 150 pull-ups (substituted with dips or Australian pull-ups when necessary)
    • 300 Muricans
    • 450 Squats


  • LBC 25X IC
  • Heals to Heaven 15X IC
  • Low Flutter 25X IC


  • Welcome FNG, Citgo! Great 2nd workout to post to!
  • Much respect to guys like Over Budget & Bagboy – if YHC can be half as tough as those guys when I grow up, I'll be alright
  • Little mumble chatter – as to be expected
  • Fantastic effort by all today, this is one of the most brutal workouts out there and you guys crushed it!