Fun-Filled Block Party

Mosey & Karaoke to Warmup Circle – side straddle hop, wind mill, cotton picker & imperial storm troopers. 

Mosey to the Blocks stack, did Louis Zamperini with blocks. Lined up all the blocks in a row. Did Sets of 10, 8, 6, 4 & 2 Broad Jump Burpees, Incline Merkins, Decline Merkins, ran to Pull Up Bars area and waited for everyone by Planking. Did 15 Slow Squats as a group (5 sets).  

Partner Up and did 10 Perfect Pull Ups (2 sets). Did Partner Carry once and did Helping Hand (each hand) once and Bear Crawl and Lunge Walk back to blocks.

Did Louis Zamperini to the Block Circle, 10 Curls, 10 Overhead Presses, 10 Lawnmower Starters on each side and 10 Chest Presses. 

I started Mary with the Dying Cockroach then went around the circle with the Pax each leading an exercise.