Let’s just mix it all together

15 men took on the chilliest fall 2016 morning yet (ok, it wasn't that cold) so the Q decided to warm up and keep moving through the entire workout.  It went something like this…


Stretches (right over left, vice-versa, arm circles, etc.) 

Head to the track:

10 IC Side Straddle Hops…but first… let's run 1/4 mile with half the PAX running clockwise, the other counter-clockwise.  When you meet your partner – turn around and head back.

…now we can do 10IC Side Straddle Hops

1/4 mile run, same as the last

10 IC Windmills

1/4 mile

10 IC Mountain Climbers

1/4 mile

10 IC Imperial Storm Troopers

1/4 mile

10 IC Cotton pickers

1/4 mile

10 IC Squats

1/4 mile

10 IC Mericans

1/4 mile

10IC Wall sits w/air press

1/4 mile (reverse course to keep tire wear even)

(warmup complete – time for Mary)

10 IC LBCs

1/4 mile

10 IC Low flutters

(wait, no 1/4 mile – Q would come to regret that)

10 IC Dr Ws



Acts 5: 

27 And when they had brought them, they set them before the council. And the high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We strictly charged you not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching, and you intend to bring this man's blood upon us.” 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men."


– Had the Q been able to read his GPS watch without his glasses, he would have seen that we were only one lap shy of completing a 5k during the workout.  Had to settle for 2.93 miles (others may have gotten a little closer).

– Mumble/chatter was plentiful early on – not so much as the laps went by…

– I know this wasn;t a Sailview workout but we've got a pretty good cast from SVU showing so…

– As always, it is an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this fine group.

– As we get closer to winter and the colder temps, it becomes easier to slip into a fart-sack routine.  Don't let it happen!  I remember a post (http://f3nation.com/2014/12/20/its-cold-we-get-it/) that I read back in December 2014 on the F3Nation site when I was getting into my first F3 winter.  There's no magic to it, just a simple message to keep you coming out.  If today is any indication, we will have an incredibly strong PAX through the cold, dark winter and I couldn't be happier about that!