A Lucky 13 on Halloween

Not on the F3 site is Garbage Plate.  Sign up brother….

War-Daddy = Jenny (45)

War-Baby = Ram Rod (30)

There were several Pax who rucked and did the standard.  Sorry I don’t have an accurate list of those who performed the extra credit.  Although, I do know Dallas and Jolly Roger wanted to skip the workout and race to prove ones dominance over the other.  Apparently Dallas showed up at 5:01 and was left behind. 

A lucky 13 showed up on this 31st day of the month.  Maybe some were expecting the Murph, maybe others wanting no part of the Murph.  Good thing I was prepared to accommodate all.  It went something like this.


Run around the lot mixing in butt-kickers and high knees and even some karaoke along the way up to the pull up bars.

SSH x 20 IC

IST x 10 IC

Toy Soldier x 10 IC

Cotton Pickers x 10 IC

Windmill x 10 IC


Is it Murph Monday???

10 Pull Ups

20 Mercans

30 Squats

Run a full lap around the LFC parking lot

Repeat-o, except on the run decrease the lap by cutting through the row where everyone parks.

Repeat-o, except on the run decrease the lap by cutting through one less row.


Mosey to the church circle area and find some wall/ledge.

10 – Dercans IC

10 – Incline Mercans IC

10 – Dips IC

10 – Step-Ups each leg OYO

Repeat-o, except decrease all exercises except step-ups by 2. 

Mosey to the rock pile over by the cars.  Grab a rock and circle up.

10 – Curls IC

10 – Shoulder Press IC

10 – Bent-Over Rows IC

Mosey around the second island and head back to a different rock.

10 – Mason Twist IC

10 – chest press w/ low flutter IC

10 – Skull Crushers IC

Mosey around the second island and head back to a different rock.

Repeat-O on the last two sets of rock exercises.


20 – WWII sit-ups

15 – Pickle Pounders

1 Minute Plank


Hope everyone enjoyed the beatdown.  Great work by everyone.  Always impressed with the mumble chatter that Jolly brings.  Several new faces out at The Sword today, keep coming back.  Due to some displeasure from some of the Pax with the “Murph” like activities, a new workout may have been created to up the suck factor.  Murnado??  Stay tuned….

Please help out Master Q’s all over and sign up on the website to deliver epic beatings.  That is all for now…