When you’ve only got 1 leg

A dirty dozen posted to ELHS Mustang today.  We got knocked down, but we got up again…and again…and again.

Tubthumping – SSH’s but when you “get knocked down”, do a burpee…

The Thang
Parking lot fun…
Form a line across and complete the following:
Dragon Walk up 2 lines, MB
20 deep squats
1 legged Inch Worms, swap legs half way
30 second Hot foot, each leg Thinking of BigEasy
Lunge Walk
8x 1 legged burpees each leg

Count off into 3’s,
1’s Pull-ups, starting with wide pull-ups
2’s Mericans
3’s squats
Rotate, with 5 pull-ups being the timer
REPEATO with narrow-pull-ups, REPEATO with chin-ups, REPEATO with negative pull-ups, REPEATO with corn cobb pull-ups (#CrowdPleaser)

Mosey to the rocks, each exercise 10 IC
Shoulder Press
Squatting curls
Skull crushers
Bent row
Standing Curls
Deltoid raise
Skull crushers

15  IC LBC
10 IC Low Flutter
10 IC Dr. W
10 IC FM
30 se. American Hammer (For everyone but the Q)

Humility – One of the 10 Character traits that we are to pass on to our sons.  Evaluate yourself, how are you doing by leading by example.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important that yourselves


  • Q decided while nursing an ankle last week that today we needed some one legged work.  Those inch worms and burpees were awfully awesome.  Or is it Awesomely awful?
  • Mile High reports several pounds lost already and is feeling great.
  • FNG-1 above is not an actual FNG, but is in place of Finch, Mile High’s 2.0, future FiA member, and Mile High’s inspiration to keep posting.
  • T-Claps to Clubber and Mulligan (Missing anyone????) who posted for #TheStandard
  • Dandelion tries to trick the Q during Name-o-rama.
  • YHC seems to be falling apart…today it’s the back
  • Welcome back Mulligan, who just a few days before completed the Spartan Beast.  He also posted yesterday, which begs the question…where was Closer and C#?