Election and other current events

Event Date

Nov 05, 2016

10 PAX including Kragel.

The Warmup:
10 IC Cotton Pickers (touch ground)
10 IC Copperhead Squats
15 IC Mountain Climbers
10 IC Merkins
20 IC Side Straddle Hops

The Thang (Election Theme):
Run down to the blocks and everyone gets a block.  Head over to the bleachers and find a partner.

Introduced the decision America coin with Trump on one side and Hillary on the other.  Flip of the coin determines exercise.  One time up/down/around bleachers after each set (counter clockwise to “turn back time for daylight savings”).

?We had the time, so some categories were used more than once.  And one time we took our blocks with us on the trip around the stairs.

Trump – Republican – Elephant

Hillary – Democrat – Donkey

100 Regular Squats

100 Donkey Kicks (plank to feet extended)

100 Block Squats

100 Bench Kicks

100 2 Block Squats

100 Jackass Kicks (plank to butt kick)

100 Wide Merkins (Heavy with block)

100 Regular Merkins

100 Curls

100 Skull Crushers

3x up/down the steps with block

3x sprint up/mosey down the steps no block

50 Deadlifts with block

100 Deadlifts with block


In other news (Mary):
The Colonial Gas Pipeline explodes.  Gas prices affected??…
Gas Pumps – LBC position to legs extended, then back up to your LBC position, on Q’s cadence.

Daylight savings time, set you clocks back…
Hands of Time – PAX circle up on your six with heads in the center of circle.  Start with legs at 90, Q counts to 3, guy to his left does the same until back around to Q.  Q then drops to 45 degrees, counts to 3, guy to his left does the same.  Then Q drops to 10 degrees, same.  (Repeato?)


It doesn’t really matter what happens in our world, God already knows the outcome and is in control.  He created it, He is in control of it, He is sovereign.  Here are a couple verses to show you:

Psalm 103:19 (NIV)
The Lord has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom rules over all.

Colossians 1:16 (NIV)
For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.



  • ?Q messes up on count, and gets grief for it.
  • Gas Pumps did produce "gas" as predicted.
  • ?Many showed up in shorts this morning, more manly than I…
  • A little quite today as everyone was focused on counting.
  • Kragel liked running the stairs today.
  • Yellow cone is for what???