Building Stuff at Samson

PAX of 9 today explored the Samson AO and built some structures with our blocks to assist with the pain.  Here is roughly how it all went down:

0500:  Roughly 2.6 mile #RunStandard with Calypso and YHC.

0530:  Mosey around the parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia.  Circle up in the forest near the block pile.

Quick Disclaimer.


  • 10 burpees OYO
  • 1 time over the escalating pull-up bars

Building Things:

Everyone grabs 2 cinder blocks, to have 18 in total.  (Note: I made a diagram on paper, and thought it would be nice to have at least 18 blocks.  Boom!)  Carry out to the parking lot.

First Structure:

10 blocks on the bottom tier (5 long ways side by side), 6 second level (3 x 3), 2 third level.  In other words, we built steps for:

  • Derkins x 5 first level, x 5 second level, x 5 third level, x 5 second level, x 5 first level.  Plank while waiting before and after.
  • Lunge walk half the width of the parking lot and back.
  • Repeato but incline Mericans this time.
  • Bear crawl half the width of the parking lot, lunge walk back.

Second Structure:

18 blocks arranged in a big flat square for:

  • Partner assisted back extensions on the blocks, with someone holding down your feet x 15 OYO.  Limburger found an…interesting?…way to hold down one's feet.
  • Flip flop, and repeato.
  • Crab walk half the width of the parking lot, lunge walk back.

Third Structure:

Simply one block at your feet, for:

  • Squat to front press with 1 block, with your butt hitting the block on the ground x 10 IC.  GET LOW!

Then we did, in some order:

  • 25 block swings OYO
  • Overhead press x 5 IC  (experienced major phlegm issues)
  • Skull crushers x 10 OYO
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Wide Mericans on blocks x 10 IC

Carry blocks back to forest.  Don’t stack yet.  We did:

  • Overhead press x 6 IC
  • Skull crushers x 10 OYO
  • Full curls x 10 IC
  • Bent over rows x 10 IC
  • Block swings x 15 OYO

Put blocks away and return to the parking lot.


  • 2 min plank, including right arm / left arm up.  HOLD for:
  • JLOs x 15 IC
  • Mason Twists x 20 IC
  • More plank.  Sorry.

Recover, recover.


  1. We talked about Operation Sweet Tooth.  Here is a link from several weeks back with more information:  On that link you will find more information about what gifts are acceptable to donate.  We will look to collect the donations at the holiday party.  If you can't make that, don't worry, we'll find a way to distribute your gifts.  Thank you for your consideration. 
  2. There were many suggestions about what I should do with my phlegm issue.  Most of them I can't print here because this is a PG13 backblast. 
  3. It was great see so many of the Samson regulars.  Sadly, this was my first Samson workout in almost 2 months, due to scheduling issues on Thursday.  Still remains my favorite AO though.

Have a great weekend all.  Turnpike.