Celebrating the Greatest of All Time (GOAT) and Naming an FNG

Event Date

Nov 11, 2016

  • FNG-2 is the newly named HRC
  • FNG-1 is Ramrod's 2.0, Finley stole the show

A delicious fall day with a gourgeous sky and bright sunshine warmed us all on this Veteran's Day.  YHC decided to start paying his good fortune forward and used our exclusive Slack comz to communicate that any and all veterans were gettinig a free lunch on me today.  Shortly after putting forth the offer, the one and only, Gnarley Goat had the time.  We were pleasanlty surprised when Ramrod and his 2.0, Jock Strap, Blackbeard and Blackbeard's FNG joined to round out the Pax.

We learned a few things, or confirmed some if there was any doubt…

  1. Gnarly Goat is the kind of guy that you want in your neighborhood.   You just feel like he's 'got this' when he arrives. GG was also kind enough to lead us in a quick blessing when the Pimento Cheese and Bacon burgers were delivered.
  2. Ramrod has a wonderful touch with the 2.0s.   Finley is his beautiful two year old who was a model of great behavior even after a fresh wake up from a nap.   <–I've seen this go south before and Ramrod displayed awesome parenting in handling a just waking up 2 year old
  3. Jock Strap is hugely tall. And funny as all hell. Hugely. He also is not afraid to bust chops with an appropriately timed and well thought out comment.
  4. Blackbeard is a fan of the fried Orio although he passed on one today. Some day I will dare to eat one, but today wasn't the day.
  5. FNG-2, well, FNG-2 needed consideration and needed a name because he only shows up to 2nd F events but also likes to ruck.   Apprently FNG-2 will ruck all day and did the MAAFs-7 go Ruck event.  But he also showed at Srappy's Roast at D9 and lunch today.  Therefore, our elder statesman, GG, determined that it was time for a naming. Like any man, many thoughts were considered and dismissed.  In a very close panel decision, Donkey Cartel was 2nd place.  Due to FNG-2's affinity for the 2nd F, we reckoned we should name him after a recent 2nd place finisher.  Henceforth, FNG-2 will be HRC.