Fightclub – Games and Theory

Event Date

Nov 18, 2016

Training the mind is just as important as training the body in the art of combat.  We must learn to listen to what the senses already know.  We have the ability listen more closely to what our mind and body are telling us.  We are now entering into parts of the training that will explore "games and theories" that will sharpen our ability to listen to what we already know.  Sounds is especially important,, not just the overt foorstep, but the sudden absence of sound,, or more acurately a sudden deadspot, slight echo, softening or increasing sounds that are around us all day long.  These changes are subtle but often indicate objects or people that need to be addressed.  These changes can also aid in the ability to remember your position in space or identify how the space around you is changing.  An example can be found when walking down a hallway,, there is a sudden empty sense of sound when passing a doorway,, or when moving past an object, at a close distance, there is either a slight drop in sound or very often a reflected sound or echo..  We have all experienced these changes and need to recognze and use them for an advantage.  When involved in a stressful situation we very often over focus on the primary offender,, and leave ourselves open to mis-steps or other bad actors.  Allowing yourself to recognize what the mind and body already know is just as important as the physical part of training.

Enough of the lecture

The thang

Blind folded target

– with eyes closed, locate and strike multiple targets using only hearing.


– Inside Cross over block to arm devestation

– inside cross over block rib strike face strike

– inside cross over block sidefist ribs, side fist face

– center tap leg control roundhouse

–  center tap leg control side kick

– center tap leg control, hookkick outside of thigh

– center tap leg control, hook kick to calf

– outside double tap leg control

– outside triple tap leg control hookkick

– outside double tap control, step out, side kick leg break


Attack sequences

– crescent kick to outside of knee, vertical punch with step through

– control lead hand, control back hand, vertical punch to jaw

– roundhouse to leg, punch and step, elbow out and back, elbow around back, step through and break leg


Motorboat arrived ready for the morning training.  He has been consistent and the efforts are paying off.  These are not easy techniques to learn (and often fly in the face of what is accepted as the norm) but he is performing very well.  The YHC hopes to be able to instruct the pax in an effective manner that will entertain, instruct and inform.  The drills appear redundant and at times boring but when these technques become automatic you will surprise yourself at how easily you move.  The greater the skill level becomes the more dynamic strategys can be adapted in the training.  The YHC looks forward to trading bumps and bruises as we walk down this path

Thank you once again for the chance to share my lifes passion with the fine men of F3