An ice cold 6 pack tamed the Viking today!

Event Date

Nov 22, 2016



IST x 20ic

Cherry picker x 20ic

Windmill x 20ic

Mtn Climber x 20ic

Merkins x 10ic

Toy Soldier x 20ic

**** Axel shows up after warm ups…..something about morning bathroom issues!

Jog to upper pavillion

People chair + airpesses x 20ic

Mosey to picnic tables

Step up each leg x 15

Incline merkin x 10ic

Dips x 20ic

Step ups each leg x 10

Decline merkins x 10ic

Dips x 10ic

Jog to rock pile to pick your non traveling buddy.

Mosey to bottom of the small parking lot hill

*** Moby Dick shows up after running from the Pinnisula to the Viking (6 miles of beast mode). He ran right past Panisula looking for someone with a real Goatee……sorry Outlaw!

Circuit #1

5 Burpees

Run to top of hill / 20 curls ic

Run to bottom of long hill  / LBC's x 20ic

Run up long hill  / Merkins x 20ic

Run down small hill

Circuit #2

5 burpees

Running hills with sets of 15 (per circuit #1)

Circuit #2

5 burpees

Running hills with sets of 10 (per circuit #1)

Circuit #4

5 burpees

Running hills with sets of 15 (per circuit #1)

Circuit #5

5 burpees

Running hills with sets of 10 (per circuit #1)

Jog back to parking for Mary

Crunchy Frog x 15 ic



Once again Moby Dick runs 6 miles to get to the Viking. Major props!!!

Miracle was present but his name was not listed in the directory. I wanted to make sure he was recognised!

Great to see the old timers Axel and Hippie out there! RESPECT

Bumblebee arrived in a nic of time for the start….nice work today!

As always it's a true pleasure to lead you men!

Last time I saw Smores, King Fish and Shaken at the same workout was when Shoe was around. I guess I'm going to have to ask shoe to show up one Tuesday to get these guys out. #VIKINGCOTTERS

Stay close on twitter for Thanksgiving workout schedules

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. This is a great time to spend with family and friends…..ENJOY IT!