Your Partner Cares About Your Fitness

14 men of Isotope emerged from the gloom to join YHC at The Foundry for YHC's VQ.  Because YHC refused to carry a weinke, and because in any event (and as explained below) YHC called a few audibles, here is, to the best of YHC's recollection, what happened:


Mosey thru lanes of parking lot with high knees, buttkickers, and carioca.

Circle up at far end of parking lot.

  • Disclaimer
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Windmills x 15 IC
  • Mericans x 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Cotton Pickers x 15 IC


Mosey to second lane of parking lot and partner up.  YHC advises pax to note which partner is P1 and which is P2.

  • Each P1 calls an exercise for P2 to perform AMRAP while P1 runs loop around front of parking lot.  When P1 returns, P2 calls an exercise for P1 to perform AMRAP while P2 runs loop.
  • Repeato, calling different exercise.
  • Repeato, calling different exercise, but with quadraphelia around front of parking lot.

Mosey to wall adjacent to first lane of parking lot.

  • People's Chair for 30 secs.
  • Left leg up (one-legged People's Chair) for 15 secs.  Left leg down and stay in chair for 15 secs.  Right leg up for 15 secs.  Right leg down and stay in chair for 15 secs.
  • Olive and Ramrod pull into lot and join pax on the wall.
  • Air Press x 20 IC

Mosey to fire pit area.  Find your same partners.  (Olive and Ramrod partner up)

  • P1 and P2 together must complete 50 dips OYO.  P1 to determine how many of the 50 he will complete before handing off to P2 to finish.
  • Same, but must complete 50 incline merkins OYO.  P2 to determine how many of the 50 he will complete before handing off to P1 to finish.
  • YHC audibled at this point – some teams split reps and performed simultaneously, others took turns.  Too many pax standing around.  YHC wanted more activity, so….
  • (All pax) Squats x 25 IC
  • Rock Lobster pulls into lot around this point.
  • Dips x 25 IC
  • Derkins x 10 IC
  • Step-ups x 10 each leg

Mosey to rock pile near first lane of parking lot.  YHC directs pax to select a non-traveler that may be traded.

  • High curl x 20 IC
  • Move 5 rocks to left.  This was a tactical error by YHC, as explained below.
  • Low curl x 8 IC
  • Find your same partner.  P1 has option to trade rock with P2.
  • Full curl x 15 IC
  • Overhead press x 15 IC
  • P2 has option to trade rock back with P1.
  • Chest press with low flutter x 15 IC
  • Skullcrusher x 4 IC
  • Replace rocks

Mosey to second and third lanes of parking lot for bear crawl suicides: Bear crawl to first tree, sprint (or mosey) back, bear crawl to second tree, sprint back, bear crawl to third tree, sprint back.

Circle up for MARY:

  • Mason Twist x 20 IC
  • Low Flutter x 20 IC, then hold for….
  • Homer to Marge x 3, down on YHC's count each time, then hold for….
  • Rosalita x 20 IC
  • Elbow plank 45 sec

Recover, recover.


  • Given his moniker, YHC tried to incite pax to inflict additional pain on their partners, with mixed results.  The pax were generally benevolent, although YHC noted a few pax performing burpees or monkey humpers that their partners has assigned to them.  YHC also seems to recall DonHo having to perform 49 of his team's 50 reps in the fire pit area.  Could be wrong about that, but if not, that favor will surely be returned at some point.  Don't mess with the MQ.
  • YHC deliberately informed pax that rocks would potentially be traded.  This appeared to result in the selection of rocks that were generally larger than otherwise would have been selected, i.e., the intended result was achieved, but it ultimately backfired on YHC because…..
  • Some of the reps may be off.  As noted above, YHC didn't carry a weinke.  Also, YHC perfunctorily directed pax to move 5 rocks to left without first noting that LEGO had chosen what had to have been the largest rock in the entire pile.  YHC was forced to cut short his set of low curls, and subsequently his set of skullcrushers, in order to preserve whatever dignity he had left after the first few attempted reps of each.  Well played, LEGO.  Tclaps to Eeyore for voluntarily taking YHC's boulder from him temporarily.
  • Bunyan astutely noted that YHC cut short the bear crawl suicides.  Cobains.  YHC originally intended (and directed the pax) to crawl the full length of the parking lot after returning from the third tree, but later realized that this might not leave sufficient time for Mary, and YHC definitely wanted to pay homage to the MQ with some Homer to Marge.  YHC is still learning Q time management.
  • The 5:10am start time is still throwing off some of the pax.  (Is Foundry still listed as 5:30am start anywhere on the website or elsewhere?)  Olive and Ramrod rolled in around 5:25, with Rock Lobster joining 5-10 mins later.  No worries, though:  after YHC's Q had concluded, Olive, Ramrod, and Turnpike immediately segued into an additional beatdown involving burpees and, I'm pretty sure, some derkins on the car of one pax who was trying to exit the parking lot.  Fortunately, it was not YHC's car (although YHC quickly exited the lot after witnessing this).  Not sure how long the additional beatdown lasted, but it was still occurring after YHC had departed.
  • Thank you sincerely to all pax who showed for my VQ, including several who I know made special efforts to be there.  And a huge thanks to Eeyore and Auto for the EH. I could not have imagined, standing in Eeyore's kitchen 6 months ago as he invited me to join him for a workout in the parking lot of Birkdale Swim & Tennis Club, what this group and organization would mean to me 6 months later.  I'm inspired and invigorated every day by each of you, and can't imagine not having this in my life.
  • Finally, thanks to DonHo for the chance to lead the group this morning.  Hope I delivered a worthy workout, and look forward to taking the Q again soon. 

