Battles, Beauties, & Adventure

Event Date

Dec 02, 2016


Workout Deets:

4 Gathered for an easy 2 mile Standard and spent 30 more minutes stretching in mourning for #F3Recover.  5 accepted  coffee donations from Mr Burns. (Thanks Burns!)

Discussion Topic:

Wild at Heart Chapter 1

free audio copy

Lots of solid chatter back and forth about what each man read and understood from the maiden chapter of this book.  

If you missed today, don't let it keep you from coming next week.  We will use the book for discussion topics but I will focus the questions so each meeting can stand alone. 

A few things clear at this point. Not all agree on everything mentioned in chapter 1. I think that's the point.  While Wild at Heart is a great book; it is not the Gospel. As a result of our discussion today, I do ufeel compelled to mention why I believe this book is so important for men and especially for the men of F3 Nation. 

Wild at Heart found me about 5 years ago.  That's when my life would have met the textbook description of the Pogo40 found in Freed to Lead by OBT and Dredd.  I was an adult with a family, good job, my faith, and little hope for what life was truly supposed to be.  I was "dutiful", but bored and hungry for more of what I heard God had to offer.  I just didn't know what that was or how to get it. 

I read Wild at Heart.  The Lord open my eyes to a new concept (or two) and in August of 2012 I attended the Wild at Heart Bootcamp at the Crooked Creek Ranch in Colorado.  

I had no idea that during this trip to the wilderness that I would encounter such a pivotal moment in my life.  I would encounter my past, my wound(s), my fears, my enemy, and my Lord, Jesus Christ. (<-I realize how that sounds, but it's true.)

The book did not change my view of the Gospel. The book really didn't DO anything.  Jesus did.  The Carpenter picked up this book and used it like a finely crafted hammer and chisel to peel away years of hurt, sorrow, callouses, anger, and sin from my heart. As a result, I often feel compelled to share my message of hope that helped me be a Man Fully Alive. 

Like Peter on the Mount of Transfiguration, I often respond to God's actions in my life in a dumbfounded way that turn out to NOT be my proudest moments.  I hope this little backblast doesn't turn out to be one of those. 

I won't tell you exactly what each man responded with today during our discussion.  For that you must #Show2Know.  I will leave you with a challenge.  

Spend five minutes praying to God this prayer then respond to the questions below. 


Dear Heavenly Father,

Open my eyes and heart to Your perfect will for me.  Lord, speak to my heart and guide my through Your Holy Spirit. 


Questions of the Day

1.) What battles am I fighting, rescues am I performing, and adventures am I living in my life right now?  

2.) Am I open to God's help in these? 

3.) Are these battles, rescues, & adventures mine or have I taken on more than you intended for now, Lord?