Who was that masked man? Is that a bird? Or a plane?

Event Date

Dec 05, 2016

Twelve men, including two super-heroes, braved the strong potential of a cold, wet workout to stand side-by-side with their brothers.  Turned out to be not-so-wet after all. 



  • 15       IC        Side Straddle Hops
  • 15       IC        Mountain Climbers                                   
  • 15       IC        Cotton Pickers                                            
  • 10       IC        Merkins                                                                    



  • Mosey to track – wait – the long way…no, the REALLY long way – around the school.  Head to the bleachers once we get there.
  • Bleacher hops up, ten calf-raises at the top, one burpee on each step down – REPEATO
  • Elevens: (Merkins / Situps)

          – 100m run immediately followed by 10 LBCs and 1 ‘Merkin in one minute (then rest for 10 seconds)

          – 100m run immediately followed by 9 LBCs and 2 ‘Merkins in one minute (then rest for 10 seconds)

          – 100m run immediately followed by 8 LBCs and 3 ‘Merkin in one minute (then rest for 10 seconds)

          – Continue until it’s 1 LBC and 10 ‘Merkins.

          – That's 10 rounds: 1000m run, 55 ‘Merkins, 55 LBCs


Still some time left.  Head back over to the bleachers for some more hops – only this time, let’s make it a burpee/’Merkin ladder (add one ‘Merkin to your burpee each time you go down a step)



  • 10       IC        LBCs
  • 10       IC        Peter Parker
  • 10       IC        Dr. Ws
  • 60       second Mason Twist



1 Corinthians 16: 13 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.  14 Let all that you do be done in love.


The verses above were emphasized quite a bit during the “Stepping Up” workshops that Big Easy at SVU coordinated about two years ago. 

We talk a lot at F3 about wanting to be better leaders, better husbands, better fathers and better men and that workshop (and those verses) helped me quite a bit as I was trying to figure out what I should be focusing on in my life.

I have been reminded a lot, lately, about the impact that F3 has had in my life and I’ve been focused on the fact that, while the physical benefits (first F) of F3 are great, it is the 2nd and 3rd Fs that keep me coming back – especially on days when I really don’t want to get up at o-dark-thirty and wander out into the cold.

We are so much more to each than a bunch of guys that workout together.  I’ve seen that repeated over and over again in the friendship, encouragement, support and accountability that is everywhere you look in F3. 

Quite frankly, I believe that if you aren’t seeing that – then you aren’t doing it right.  Get out with the guys for coffeeteria on Saturday, sign up for your first CSAUP event, sign-in to Slack and talk trash with the rest of us, get into a Bible study rotation with some of your F3 brothers.  You will find a side (or two) of F3 that will keep you coming back for more.



  • Very nice turnout for, what could have been, a miserable morning (especially after staying late to watch that “game” last night).
  • Superman posted this morning – cape and all.  Great to have you with us.  Gotta love the costume changes lately! #ShowToKnow
  • The Flash also stopped by – but he was gone in a…well…flash.  Seriously, Clark, it was great to see you, brother.  Heal up quick!
  • Not sure who it was, but someone should have made different dietary choices yesterday…whoa!
  • Continued prayers going out to Hefty and his family during this difficult time. 

As always, it is an honor to be allowed to lead and a privilege just to be a part of this awesome group!