2 hard working elves

Event Date

Dec 07, 2016


The 12 Pains of Christmas. Two hardworking elves showed up for their Christmas surprise. Naughty? Nice? It makes no difference, everyone gets the same gift…Pain.The WarmupYHC was so excited to begin the beatdown. We mosied around DPK, and got right to the gift exchange. The ThangThe first gift was well received, a single burpee. Of course we went through each days gift in the standard manner, 12, 13, 2, 1Just like the song we all know. Each section was followed by a backwards run up the incline with a sprint back into position. The next few days of gifts given (2 squat jumps, 3 Mason twists, 4 LBCs , and 5 SDSs) got a nice smile and a lukewarm response. The smiles turned to groans as we moved on to the next days.Day 6 MercansDay 7 Freddie MercurysDay 8 CDDs It was at this point, that things started to get tough.We used rocks for the remainder of the workout. Day 9 Chest PressesDay 10 Bent Over RowsDay 11 CurlsDay 12 Skull Crushers.MaryTo end these days of pain, we settled down on our 6 and went through twelve each of the following:Rosalitas, low flutters, and WWIIs. MoleskinNothing much to report here. Mumblechatter was at a minimum. My initial thoughts for this workout was to break up into small groups, unfortunately, we didn’t have enough willing participants to make a small group. Thanks to Usain for the inspiration for this one.