The Sword: ‘It’s All Down Hill From Here Men’

Event Date

Dec 12, 2016

Sorry for the late BB…YHC was out of commission Tuesday and Wednesday under the weather.  Glad to be back to life. 

Location:  Lake Forest Church, 0530, about 40 degrees

Upon arrival Rocket was doing warm-up laps.  Something about the workout going to be tough. 

Since the AO was sufficiently warmed, we did no warm-up and took off in a full sprint.  Cause that's how we roll. 

(1) Full Sprint up Bradford HIll

* The 1/2 mile sprint from LFC to the Top of Bradford Hill is always a great warm-up.  Whatever we did after this would be easy.  Hence, the title, "It's all down hill from here."  Enjoy the double entendre.

(2) Partner derkins at each intersection on the way back (4 x 10) = 40 each man

(3) Mosey to Pull-up bars:  Partner A Group (sprint down and back); Partner B Group (10 merkins); flapjack.

      (a) Repeato with 10 burpees

      (b) Repeato with 5 pull-ups

      (c) Repeato with 4 pull-ups

      (d) Repeato for three more rounds with 3, 2, 1 pull-ups

It's 5:55 already.  Mosey to the BOX.

(4) Partner Group A (wall-sits); Partner Group B (Bear crawl across lot and back)

Repeato with Lunge walks

Mosey to church entrance.

(5) Group A = Sprint short lap around parking lot

     Group B = 10 burpees


(6)  Mary (Caboose)

And we finished at 6:13 am since we went hard charging out of the gates.  Moses would have insisted for a plank hold.  We were done.

— Amen.  Very very impressed with your fitness jump.  You stayed with the PAX the whole time huffing and puffing like a thoroughbred.  You were not that far behind either.  Very impressed.  Keep crushing it.

—FunkyTown.  It's been too long since I saw you.  Seems like everytime we meet you reintroduce yourself to me.  Proabably a good thing.  My face recognition software needs an upgrade.  Solid sprints at the end. 

—Rocket.  Thanks for parterning up with me.  You are the Rocket Man.  Respect.

—Olaf.  Thanks for always being in a good mood.  I mean this in the straightest way, "Your smile is infectious."  

—Caboose.  Strong Master Q here.  As the weather gets nicer, I'm sure we'll venture back into the pull-up forest. 

I heard Burner and Calypso live within a stone's throw of this AO.  Come on down.

Treat your body like you hate it.
