KB Pyramid While Running Backwards

Please note – Chewy is not on the pax list

13 Warriors of the Gloom escaped the clutches of the fartsack to post this morning and are clearly better for it. 

The Thang:

Mosey around the island (or take a shortcut at the suggestion of Free Pass)

SSH X 20

IST X 15

Cotton Pickers X 15

Windmills X 15

KB Pyramid – PLOP 

At each of 5 parking spaces, 2 – 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 of the following for 5 total sets, 150 reps total, adding an exercise each of the first 5 rounds and dropping an exercise each of the final 5. At the end oof each set, backward run 50 yards up the hill and jog back, 10 total runs. Exercises were:

KB swings

KB Goblet Squats 

KB Curls

KB Shoulder presses

KB Skull Crushers


KB Lawnmowers X 10 each arm

KB Chest press X 10

KB Low Flutter with Chest press X 20

LBC X 20

Rosalita X 20

Shoulder Touch Mericans X 10


Naked Man Moleskin:

1. Stamping out soccer arms one workout at a time.

2. Great turnout and strong work by all. Let's get Chewy back posting regularly and listed amongst pax.

3. Several things were clearly established at this workout:

– I do indeed run faster backwards, faster than Wingman

– Jolly Roger and Amen are also deceptively fast backwards

– Moses is sensitive about his school's farm animal expertise

– Jolly Roger should not burn candles in his bathrooms at home, clear fire hazard

– Jolly Roger could have cleared a movie theatre this morning with his flatulence

– Easiest to establish PrimeTime at a distance from other pax by his cursing

– Little Ben and Hallelujah will likely never stop being accountability partners for each other on form, # reps, etc…

– Jimmy-O has gotten faster indeed

4. I hope it was Fun as advertised and you feel like you got a good workout. I do indeed care about your fitness.


Merry Christmas! Outlaw