Blender – The Bogey WOD – There will be swinging….

A quiet pax of 10 for the Bogey WOD that was stolen from on of the few Blender Backblast over the years. We first did this workout in the summer, thankful for the 55 or so degrees today.  I modified the number of KB swings at the end of each round from 50 to 20 and the men killed it today.  We can now finish any cookies in our houses.  We also covered ~2 miles during this workout.

Warm-o-Rama – None

Round 1


Run with kettlebell to first cone (furthest cone), about 100 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 20 merkins.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 10 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to second cone, about 75 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 20 merkins.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 15 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to third cone, about 50 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 20 merkins.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 25 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to fourth cone (closest cone), about 25 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 20 merkins.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 20 kettlebell swings.


Round 2


Run with kettlebell to first cone (furthest cone), about 100 yards, and perform 10 kettlebell goblet squats to overhead press.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 10 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to second cone, about 75 yards, and perform 10 kettlebell goblet squats to overhead press.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 15 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to third cone, about 50 yards, and perform 10 kettlebell goblet squats to overhead press.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 25 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to fourth cone (closest cone), about 25 yards, and perform 10 kettlebell goblet squats to overhead press.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 20 kettlebell swings.


Round 3


Run with kettlebell to first cone (furthest cone), about 100 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 10 Burpees.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 10 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to second cone, about 75 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 10 Burpees.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 15 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to third cone, about 50 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 10 Burpees.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 25 kettlebell swings.


Run with kettlebell to fourth cone (closest cone), about 25 yards, drop kettlebell and perform 10 Burpees.


Run back with kettlebell and perform 20 kettlebell swings.



Round 4 (dry docks and running w/out KB not in original Bogey WOD)


Run without kettlebell to first cone (furthest cone), and perform 10 Carolina Dry Docks.


Run back and perform 10 kettlebell swings.


Run to second cone, about 75 yards, and perform 10 Carolina Dry Docks.


Run back and perform 15 kettlebell swings.


Run to third cone, about 50 yards, and perform 10 Carolina Dry Docks.


Run back and perform 25 kettlebell swings.


Run to fourth cone (closest cone), and perform 10 Carolina Dry Docks.


Run back and perform 20 kettlebell swings.

Mary – 15 Low Flutters IC, 25 Low Dollies IC


1) A late Jolly is better than no Jolly

2)  Thanks Turnpike for helping me setup the cones

3) Glad to have Mayhem back at the blender! 

4) Turnpike, Rico and Mayhem were moving!

5) Yes we run with Kettle Bells, glad someone kept up Springy's tradition

6) Running causes injurires, not KBs

7) We were a quiet group, nothing too funny today

8) Prayers for Jenny's nephew and Capone's son