Genetic Enhancement Tests @ Mad Scientist

There were 7 strong PAX that answered the want ads for human test subjects at the mad scientist lab this morning – 2 got an early start for the Standard.  Unbeknownst to them they were about to be subject to a new all natural, organic PED comprised of various body weight exercises designed to genetically enhance their muscular performance.  The PAX lined up to take their medicine- here is what happened next:


lap around discovery place to level 1 of the parking deck – circle up

Seal Claps x 10 IC

Overhead Claps x 10 IC

jump outs x 10 IC

put it all together SSH x 15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 10 IC

IST x 10 IC

Round One

Exercise ladder up the parking deck as a group

level 1 – Burpees x 5 run to next full level 

level 2 – Burpees x 5 + mericans x 10 run to next level

level 3 – Burpees x 5 + mericans x 10 + air Squats x 15 run to next level

level 4 – Burpees x 5 + mericans x 10 + air Squats x 15 + LBC x 20 run down one level 

level 3 – Burpees x 5 + mericans x 10 + air Squats x 15 run down one level

level 2 – Burpees x 5 + mericans x 10 run down one level to start

level 1 – Burpees x 5 

Round Two

mosey to bottom level for nothing but core all IC

Level 1 – LBC x 5 run up to next level

Level 2 – LBC x 5 + touch them heels x 10 run to next level

Level 3 – LBC x 5 + touch them heels x 10 + WW II x 15 run to next level

level 4 – LBC x 5 + touch them heels x 10 + WW II x 15 + Low Flutter x 20 run down one level 

Level 3 – LBC x 5 + touch them heels x 10 + WW II x 15 run down one level 

Level 2 – LBC x 5 + touch them heels x 10 run down one level

Level 1 – LBC x 5

Round Three

partner up for nothing but legs

500 Air squats between the pair.  Partner one runs up the stairs to top deck, partner two performs exercise.  Flapjack when partner one returns.  Keep going to 500

misey to level 1 elbow plank

recover recover 

Quick Moleskin – Strong work out of the PAX, I always enjoy leading at the Mad Sci AO

The rest of the F3 Isotope fartsackers missed a good workout.  But don't fret I will be bring by the mobile laboratory to an AO near soon

Thanks LaBon for the opportunity to lead

that is all
