Raining in the New Year

Event Date

Jan 02, 2017

The sound of the soothing rain against the windows made the fartsack strong this morning.  But 5 brave gloom warriors fought through the fartsack and pulled into LFC on this mildly warm wet day. Should have been 6, but lost one to the FS.  We gathered, embraced the suck, and started our mosey. It went like this….

Mosey to the greenway across the road all the way to the "cement" bridge area, roughly .5 miles away. 

20 – SSH IC

15 – Cotton Pickers IC

10 – IST IC

5 – Burpees OYO

Run back to the church stopping at the rock pile at the front entrance.  Grab a non-travelling rock and Zamperini to the covered area.  

The Thang:

Split the group up in half.  1st group run a lap from the covered area around the first lot entrance back down the covered walk way at the church to the covered area.  The remaining group perform the exercises AMRAP and then flapjack.

Squat Thrusters

Scorpion Dry Docks


Skull Crushers

LBC x 25 IC

These exercises we did as a group (w/o the running in between exercises):

Chest Press x 20 IC

Shoulder Press x 10 IC

8-Count Burners x 10 IC

Next exercises were done as before with the lap and exercises format as detailed above:


Rock Swings


J-Lo x 15 IC

Recover, recover….


Well done by all today.  I thinked we logged in just a tick under 3 miles according to Lego's GPS.  I thought I was running at a fast pace on the last lap until Lego blew by me effortlessly which seemed like 50% speed for him.  Great to see Ty Webb make his way out of MECA to grace us with his presence.  Funky Town and Amen are regulars on Monday's.  Besides their man crushes on the Cowboys, they continue to impress.  Can't hate, they're good this year…  Sorry Amen for leading the Pax down the wrong trail this morning as we were heading out to the bridge.  Won't make that mistake again.  Thanks to all for coming out to support me and continue to push me to be better.  2017 is off to a good start.  I lthank God everyday for this group.  I look forward to seeing you out in the gloom real soon.