I don’t need easy, I just need possible

Not listed in PAX list = King Tut

YHC went fishing with an ambiguous #pb.  16 of NoCo's finest took the bait and posted in the gloom ready to regret it. And here is what transpired after that…….


Zig-zag lap around parking lot with dynamic butt kickers, high knees, carioca left and right

  • SSH x 15ic

  • Frankenstein x 15ic

  • Arm Circles x 30sec front and back

  • Mountain Climbers x 15 ic

That Thang We Do:  When I am weak you are strong.  Partner up.  Size doesn’t matter (#twss).  3 minute cycles of tandem exercises AMRAP style.  When you get smoked, swap exercises with your partner.

One lap around parking lot, then

  • Burpees / Al Gore

  • Merkins / Elbow Plank

  • Carolina Dry Dock / Squat

One lap around parking lot, then

  • People’s Chair / Balls to the Wall

  • Hip Dip / Reverse Lunge

  • Derkins (decline merkins) / Low Flutter

One lap around parking lot, then

  • Iverson (jump lunge) / Freddy Mercury

  • Suicides / Peter Parker


  • She #fartsacked today but we did do some abs during the workout sets.


  • You want to prove you are a man, but complain of little things, or doubt what you can really do?  Learn from the story of Cassidy Hooper.  Born with no eyes and no nose she has accomplished more than my privelidged self has.  Her mantra:  I don't need it easy, I just need it possible.  Watch the video…..Pay attention at the 2:15 mark…..Be inspired….Encourage others.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaoSrH_QDes

2 > 1 Moleskin:

  • Several things went through YHC's mind when he was reminded by the MQ that he had the con today.  After the "crap this is the second time in a week that has happened" moment, YHC pondered "how could we use NoCo's most plentiful AO to it's fullest?"  The only logical answer would be to stay in the parking lot and use about 3% of the AO bounty.

  • The #pb said you would have that why-did-i-think-this-was-a-good-idea feeling.  It didn't take the pax long to understand, as the kaveching quickly came in the form Q-shaming.

  • Okay so you can make a point that YHC should have sequenced some exercises differently.  But it was intentional.  I had to ensure every pax would get to the point of exhaustion during the 3 minute intervals.  The whole point of the beatdown was to get you toward teamwork where one picks up the other.  When I queued it before I called it "when I am weak you are strong" since the partner takes over when you are exhausted and vice versa.

  • Don't underestimate the tandem of Dingo and Top Gun.  They wouldn't tire so they just split the reps evenly by time.T-claps.  You gents are solid.

  • The pax was lucky.  YHC showed a lot of restraint in fending off an offer from Toxic to bring the bricks.

  • #Kotters to King Tut and Louden Swain.  Glad to see you back in the gloom.  The pax is better with you!

  • Great discussion with my new neighbor and #clowncar partner (what up EtChAsKeTcH) regarding the developer of our neighborhood and his decision to "erect" a neighborood.  (see what i did there?)

  • Dingo said something that YHC replied would be great for the backblast.  Alas, YHC forgot…….so sound off below.

  • T-claps to Don Ho for running a solo #Standard.  Semi-T-claps to Wingman for running a solo #Standard……. can't blame Don Ho…standard F3 rules are +/- 30 seconds.  Character is what you do when no one is looking.  And you two men could have stayed in the cars or gone home, but you set out solo for a few miles.  I hope the 2nd F was okay :p

  • Missing from the Pax list is Mr Burns, who cleverly used his status as Mighty Oak MQ to avoid an EH from Jolly Roger…..only to #fartsack on us.  You owe me one brother….see you in Van 1 of Bad News BRRs 😉

  • Thank you for the opportunity to lead this morning.  As a steward of your nonrefundable 45 minutes of time, I hope you are better for it, for that was my goal.