Snow Pain, Snow Gain

Event Date

Jan 09, 2017

5 Strong PAX literally ignored the "bring your own shovel" pre-Blast, but at least they showed.  For those of you who didn't, hopefully you were clearing your own driveway to get that cool burn this morning.


WARMUP–guessing at the numbers as the count was very quiet.  Maybe the 12 degrees had something to do with that?

30 SSH(IC)

20 ImperialWalkers(IC)

20 Windmills(IC)

RoL, LoR

20 Hillbillies(IC)  Got some looks with this one.


In Honor of National Clean Your Desk day, we modified into a Clean your AO day.

Grab a shovel…oh wait NOBODY brought one.  Lucky them, Q had 2 snow shovels, and 2 regular ones that may or may not be regularly used in stalls(couldn't tell them then).  Well, that leaves Ziplock empty handed until he remembers the shovel flag…off we go.


Run up to the entrance, shovels in hand.  Grab a shovel full of snow.  10 Oblique Twists(IC), change grip 10 more with weight on other side now.

Off to the Tennis courts until Q realized Mother Nature beat us to it.  Omaha to buses.  Lunge walk around buses, making sure to take some snow with you.

Down to the flagpole.  Grab more snow.  10 Curls for the Girls(IC), change grip, 10 more.

Back to launch pad.  Grab more snow.  10 Squats(IC), change grip, 10 more.


Enough shovel work, down to the track.


Welcome to the 12 degrees of 12 degrees.  

12 exercises of 12 count was followed by a 100m run(sprint if your name is Abrams), In what could be called Snice(Snow/Ice)

Shoulder Tap Merkins(IC-kinda)—100m run

American Hammers(IC)—100m run

Bobby Hurleys(OYO)—tried to deflect the UNC/State game results—100m run

Was going to be skull crushers, but omaha'd to Clarks suggestion of prison style dips using the chain linked fence—100m run

Crab Jacks(IC)—100m run

Partner Derkin(feet on the guy behind you then Merican)—100m run

Suzanne Somers(IC)—100m run

Wall Sits(Abram's Style)(IC)—100m run

Burpees(OYO)—100m run

Pickle Pounders(IC)—100m run

Mountain Climbers(IC)—100 m run

Back to the launch pad.  For those of you paying attention that was only 11 exercises.

Finish up with Circle of Merkins in place of CoT.  Q leads off with 1 Merkin, then planks as rest of PAX copies.  All the way up to 12.  Arm raise planks, low plank, among others, were substituted in between.  That's 78 Merkins per in total.



Eat that Frog.  All of us have something important pressing to get done in our lives, whether at work or at home.  It's so much easier to keep tackling the little items on list to feel some sort of accomplishment.  However, if you have to eat a frog today, eat the biggest, ugliest one first, then all the rest will not seem that bad.  

If you haven't read the book, it's a good, quick read to help tackle procrastination.



-All the Merkins were for designed for Clubber in his training for the Merkin challenge, but was all for naught.

-Running in the snow/ice was difficult until I followed Abram's lead and just sprinted.  Guess you can't slip if you're not touching the ground!

-Some may have not been happy with the "ground contact" exercises, but I think we were numb shortly in.

-Learned my lesson on the benefits of a pre last…duly noted:-)


Enjoyed my time with everyone this morning, have a great day!