Vanquisher Rep Furnace

Event Date

Jan 09, 2017

Single digit reading (9) on the car thermometer.  Noises coming from my wheel wells due to ice build up.  At 5:26 a good samaritain stops by in their Cadillac to make sure I'm OK when knocking ice away from my tires.  Oh wait, the cadillac and stupid hat through me off, it's not a passer by…it's Travolta here to join me in arctic calisthetics.  As we were pondering where to get coffee, two reindeer with headlamps on trot down the road, because surely no idiiots would be out running in this weather.  Oh wait, those animals are bipedal…it's IKEA and Ultraman.  Now we have to do something.

My initial Weinke was no Weinke.  I planned to do some warmups, a few burpees, and capture the flag in the snow.  Numbers didn't permit childish nonsense, so I just went with pain that wouild keep us moving.  


25 SSH

15 IST

15 Cotton Picker

15 Windmill

Arm Circles


Partner Up

Partner 1 runs down to end of lot and back while Partner 2 does exersice, flapjack until quotas acheived 

100 Burpees

200 'Mericans

300 Carolina Dry Docks

400 Squats 

500 LBC

That's all she wrote.

I think it was successful in keeping everything but my fingers warm. 

Hibernating Mole-skine

After the burpees, I was actually pleased that I had folks join me in the gloom.  I had round trip back to fartsack in my mind until 5:25.  Box checked on this cold arse day.  The dedication of these men was inspirational to say the least.  IKEA, Happy Birthday and RESPECT.  It was great getting to chat with you during the yogging between reps.