You Can Do Anything for 1 Min


Gray Ghost, Perrier, Turncoat and Mayhem (?) all took on #TheStandard


Mosey back to grab bells


SSH x 30 IC
IST x 15 IC
Cotton picker x 15 IC
Mericans x 10 IC


1 minute intervals of the below bouts of pain:

Front squat and overhead press
6 count burners (no squat)
KB Swings
Alternating Step ups

Run a lap around GCC

Repeato, repeato, repeato


Low flutter x 25 IC
Crunchy frog x 10 IC
Burpees x 20 OYO

Recover Recover



  • Welcome FNG Craig out for his 1st post. Strong work this morning. Now make sure to come back out for your 2nd post to be named. It won't get any easier but you will get stronger. TClaps to Scrappy for putting on the EH.
  • Awesome to see Sunshine back out at the Slayer today…crushin' it brother just a week into F3
  • DS regulars were out in force without their fearless leader…see you guys tmw at #TheFoundry
  • Goatbusters, at least a couple, came out to support YHC…preciate it fellas…and nice to see Smoke back in the gloom
  • Some new faces and some old but a strong pax today to take on intervals…awesome work all around
  • Pretty quiet besides Caboose constantly asking for more and more burpees…by my count around 100 this AM…your welcome
  • Lots of pax need prayers around Isotope…AYE
  • Thanks to Bam Bam for the opportunity to Q my first KB beatdown at Dragon Slayer and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. And to Bogey for the inspiration on this workout. We did a similar cycle at Spearhead last year. Until the next time…

Don Ho