True Grit – Bagged

Event Date

Jan 14, 2017

Five climbed out of the fartsack for the early edition of fun on a Saturday morning.

?Warmorama:  ?Mosey around the fields at Bailey Road Park and circle up at midfield.


  • SSH x 20
  • Merkins x 0
  • IST x 20
  • Toy Soldier x 20
  • Squats x 20
  • Diamond Merkins x 10

The Workout:  ?Split into a group of 2 and 3 for four corners around the field x 2.

  • Corner 1:  Power clean 80# sandbag / Merkins
  • Corner 2:  Bearcrawl dragging 60# sandbag / Crabwalk
  • Corner 3:  Overhead press 40# sandbag / CDDs
  • Corner 4:  One legged hop up stairs / Burpees


  • Low Flutter x 20
  • Low Dolly x 20
  • Homer to Marge
  • LBC x 20

Moleskin:?  Thanks for being there guys.  Definitely glad I made it out to be with you.  Keep up all the good work.



An honor and privilege to be part of this group.
