We put MARY in the middle of our WOD

*Missing PAX: Flow, Dangit Burnsy!

22 men decided that since YHC was offering gifts, #MightyOak was the place to be. Had they (and I) known what was in store, maybe we would of stayed home?  Nah! These men looked the warm gloom in the eye and throat punched it!  Red pills were administered and we were off.


Mosey around parking lot with an assortment of dynamic exercises: joggy jog, side shuffle (L/R), butt kickers, karaoke (L/R)


SSH x 10

Hand Release Merkins x10

Imperial Storm Squats x 10

CDD x 10

Toy Soldiers x 10

Mosey to dirt pile at end of dead end road

Jacob's Ladder to 11

WWII situps at bottom

crawl bear up hill 

jump squats

Mosey to front entrance of school

partner up

Partner 1: Box jump-Broad Jump burpee ladder to 15

Partner 2: lap around parking lot

when partner 2 arrives, pick up where partner 1 is on the ladder.

Continue until moral stinks (which was around set 11 or 12)

PAX (and Q) needs a breather


low flutter x 5

single leg flutters (L/R) x 5

single leg dolly (L/R) x 5

infinity x 10

LBC x 10

Windshield wiper x 5

SLOW dips x 10

Now back to the regularly scheduled beat down

Finish the Box jump-broad jump burpee ladder to 15…You're welcome America!

Mosey to Launch pad

You Tube extravaganza exercises

SPLAT- (SSH from merkin position) x 5

Tony Hawks x 10

low peter parker x 10


Gifted Man Moleskin:

1. Tclaps to my Twitter EH's for posting this morning.  Great to see it still works!

2. BEP, Calypso, Wingman and YHC went for a pre-standard 1.5 mile jaunt before #TheStandard where we picked up Cooter and Funky Town for another 3 miler.  Great idea Calypso, ugh!

3. All I had planned was box jump-broad jump burpees for today, but when 22 posted, I had to think fast to bring the heat for the likes of Travolta, Toxic, Hasselhoff, and Olive to name a few.

4. That hill proved to be a fine mess of an option to jacob ladder with crawl bears, WTH was I thinking? Strong work on the hill around me included Bunyan, Wingman, Cooter, Dry Hop…there were voices coming from afar, but having a hard time remembering who they were???

5. The (needed) MARY break was meant to help us all catch our breathe, but NO you guys wanted to push out a bunch of ab exercises, including 3 BS calls. Such music to the ears!

6. BREAKING NEWS: Olaf posted without Rocket???  Could their relationship be on the rocks?   Please send an APB out.  (I won't tell Rocket that you partnered with someone else Olaf!)

7. Good to have Auto back in the gloom after about a month away.  It's a slippery slope brother, even a week without beatdowns feels like an eternity!

8. Thanks for allowing me to sub-Q today Jolly.  Rest that ankle.

9. Always a pleasure to lead the men of LKN.  Strong work out there today.
