13 Men had their feathers Ruffled

Shout out to Ruffles with this workout this morning.  As I was speaking with Blackbeard on Wednesday, he mentioned the following workout.  I thought I would give it a try.  This morning I found out that Ruffles is the originator.  I am sure the exercises were a little different.  Here is how it went.


Psalm 118:24 "This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it."  I always start my workouts with this one.

Disclaimer-no FNG's



Toy soldierX20

Cotton pickerX15

The thang

Run down Winfield parkway toward Gilead and stop at each intersection, adding exercises at each then dropping on the way back toward clubhouse.  All exercises were x10. Planking out till 'six' finished then moving to next stop.

1st – Merkins

2nd – CDD

3rd – Dips on curb

4th – Diamond merkins

5th – Squats

6th – Burpees

7th – Calf raises

Turn around and head back dropping in reverse order starting w/merkins.

Mary – just had enough time to let PAX call a few

Amen – you know it — JLox15

Ultraman – Vupsx10

Turncoat – Rosalitax10

Travolta – What he called the Mariah Carey,  same as JLo but silent.  In elbow plank position moving back and forth no cadence till he said stop.

Kumquat – LBCx15

Toxic – Slow merkinx10

Recover, Recover


Olaf said I managed to do something not many can do–get the mumblechatter to stop for the last 20 mintues of workout.  Although I figure if Blackbeards garmin had not updated in the night and he was there, I would have heard enough for everyone.

Great work this morning to everyone who showed.  You guys continue to inspire and encourage me to be better!

Thanks again to The Force for being an awesome master Q and letting me run the workout, sorry you had to miss it.  

I am sure everyone was sorry I did not break out the basketball.

Prayers to Snake-eyes mother and doctors tending to her.

Rev 5:13-14 'To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honor and glory and Power.  and the four living creatures and all with them said "Amen"'.