The Ultimate Guide to The Viking

Event Date

Jan 31, 2017


Thanks to for the workout title.

Also in the PAX today but not on the website was Fillmore (from MECA).


All exercises in cadence unless noted otherwise.

Mosey around lower parking lot with high knees, butt kickers, karoke left/right.

Circle up.

SSH x 20

Slow windmill x 10

Toy soldier x 10

IST x 10

Mountain climber x 10


Mosey down to lower lot for burpees in a box!

Start at spot 1 and do 1 burpee

Run lap around lot and stop at spot 2 and do 2 burpees

REPEATO up to spot 5 and then back down to spot 1


Mosey over to picnic shelter and split into 2 groups of 4.

Group 1 runs to end of parking lot and back while group 2 does dips (AMRAP)


REPEATO with step ups, incline merkins and Apollo Creeds (a.k.a. Rocky Balboas)


Mosey over to the hill next to the baseball field for a ladder.

Run to the top of the hill and do 2 merkins

Run back to the bottom and do 12 squats

REPEATO increasing merkins by 2 up to 12 and decreasing squats by 2 down to 2


Mosey over to rock pile and get a rock.

Curls x 10

Skull crushers x 10

Overhead press x 10

Squats x 10

Run down to the bottom of the lot and then back to the rocks



Mosey back to starting point.


LBC’s x 15

Heels to heaven x 10

Pickle pounder x 10

J-lo x 10


  1. Thanks everyone for coming out this morning.

  2. I think the pre-blast must have scared some of the Viking regulars off.  Good.  Less mumble-chatter.

  3. I think we covered roughly 2.5 miles today.  But you’d never have known it because we were having so much fun!

  4. Stromboli needs a Q next Tuesday!

See y’all in the gloom!

Ty Webb