PAX Loops the AO to the Surprise of the PAX. Watch Out for the CAR!!!

TADPOLE also joined in..

26 men enjoyed a final General with The Geek as Master Q and yours truly as the Q.


Quick Mosey to the Stars and Stripes for the Pledge of Allegiance and longer Mosey to the back entrance of the AO for the


SSH x 30

Cotton picker x 15

Forward leaning rest to downward dog to

CDD x 20

Back to downward dog – stretch up and down and left and right back to

Merkins x 15

IST x 20

Mosey up the road and stop for

Squats x 30

Mosey up and around the AO to the Rock Pile where everyone finds a suitable friend for

Curls x 5

Shoulder press x 5

Skull Crusher x 5

Negative Curls – up and slow down, starting with 5 count up to 10 and back down to 5

Repeat warm up circuit of curls, presses and SC

Negative shoulder presses

Repeat warm up curcuit

Negative Skull Crushers – up to 8

Replace rock friend and find a partner

Partner 1 – Bear Crawls to the top of the hill and around the bend

Partner 2 – Plank


Mosey to General HQ

Dips x 15

Step ups 20 each leg

Mosey to play ground and partner back up

Partner 1 – 10 dead hang pullups

Partner 2 – LBCs


Head to the bars

Incline Merkin x 10 on low bar

Single leg squat each leg x 10

Decline Merkin x 10 on high bar

back to playground for a full repeato

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

Homer to Marge

with alternate leg lifts and low dolly

Superman to Banana to Superman


1) T claps to The Geek for his leadership at the General – did a great job carrying on the tradition

2) T claps to Landline for picking up the Master Q at the General – I am sure the tradtion will continue

3) Best line (maybe of the year) "Some flip Ninja Turtle back over" after Superman/Banana Combo

4) Cars were everywhere and being called out – especially during the "negative" time CAR

5) Oyster was especially boisterous – must have had too much coffee beforehand

6) Great to see OGs out in force – Moses, Outlaw, Bama

Thanks for the opportunity to have the Q Geek