Super Bowl After Party at Vanquisher

Event Date

Feb 06, 2017

The morning after the Super Bowl. What was YHC expecting? Lots of excuses and fart sacking. But 6 HIM rose, and decided they wanted to get stronger. 

YHC and Funky Town met for the Standard, a brisk 2 mile mosey. I should also include that Ultraman and Ikea did their Standard on the way to the AO, and Omar ran in as well. Is that 3 Standards? I'll let the F3 leadership decide. 


Mosey around the school, circle up on the basketball court

SSH x 20

IST x 20

Soybean Farmer x 20

Arm circles

Burpees 10 OYO

The Thang: 

Mosey to get Cindy, need her for later

Partner up

P1 – take a lap around the track

P2 – 100 burpees

switch when P1 returns until complete,

and we did each round this with…

200 Swings with Cindy

250 Squats 

300 LBCs




Low flutter 


…Recover, recover

The Skin of the Mole:

  • Great job to the PAX who came out today, solid group and I appreciated the opportunity to lead
  • I said this in the COT, but there are lots of times we can't put into words how F3 has changed us, made us feel, and created relationships. Even though it's hard to say, say something. Give it away and help others find F3. 
  • Vanquisher needs a Q on 2/20, anyone want to step up?