Clubber Lane Trip (again)

Event Date

Feb 06, 2017

Abstract (provided by school-bus, toot toot)

“9 men met in the gloom with a couple of the more humble SVU crowd joining in. We did some warm-ups and then we took off running. Several loyal brothers looped back to run with school bus as he is still recovering from a year of no F3 and a couple extra tires on the bus. PAX got the feeling that no matter how far they ran in 45 minutes, it still would not be far enough to satisfy a sleeping @Skipper. Turns out, the PAX, once again, were correct.”


Yet another stroll down Clubber Lane, this time on a Monday. Nine HIM decided to get out of the fartsack and head to the ELHS-Mustang AO for a Monday morning saunter. We missed those that couldn’t make it, or made the decision not to come, even those personally invited. FNG is, yes again, Wildthing, who still has not created an account. 



IC Mtn Climbers 20

IC Cotton Pickers 20

RoL & LoR

The Thang

Mosey to elementary school via long way around parking lot, stopping at flag pole, plank for six. When six arrives conduct first pain station…IC LBC.

Mosey on to school, plank for six at school busses (toot toot), six arrives conduct IC squats 15

Mosey to basketball court, plank for six, when all together IC Freedy Mercury’s

Mosey (follow leader) around school, through woods, to Clubber’s house. When six arrives complete IC 10 derkins.

Mosey to the end of Clubber’s hood, hang a left and head to end of whatever that road is, and head back to Clubber’s, plank for the six then complete an IC high knees in place Abrams style.

Plenty of time left so let’s head to the track, meet at the home 50yd line (on track). Complete a 400 yd mosey, each 100yd line switch. Alternating between high knees and butt kickers, will complete 200yds of each.

Next lap was 200yds backwards run followed by 200yd sprint.

Mosey back to launch pad, long way. Arrive for Mary; however Clark calls .10 miles short of a 5k, so all PAX take a long lap around parking lot.



30 seconds American Hammer


Proverbs 13:20 Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.


We run at Mustang on Mondays? Yes, we do. My total distance was 3.22 miles. With plank for six and pain stations, eat it SVU!

Several moans and grunts, but overall great effort.

TClaps to those who continued to circle back for the six, open course no one was left alone of in the dark. This is Mustang!

Pleasure to Lead
