Looper and Other Useless Trivia

Event Date

Feb 08, 2017

The traveling trivia contest of pain rolled into Mad Scientist this week to test the upper level IQ of the Mad Sci regulars.  In short there were 9 PAX (including an FNG Chris and a 2.1 Old Testement) that sat for the exam this morning – YHC was the quizz master, and dealer of pain.  Now, having done this in a few AO's, I have to say that this group of PAX was by far the smartest across the AO's (wink).  So as to not overly confuse the PAX, we kept the rules of the game pretty simple.  Right answers = X Reps of designated exercise, Wrong answers = XXX reps.  Here are the results of the test


Mosey around DPK, circle up for all passersby to see – excute standard F3 Warm Up

SSH x 25

IST x 15

Cotton Pickers x 10

Seal Claps x 25

Mosey to bottom level of parking garage for further instruction…


ROUND 1 – YHC instructed the PAX that each question category had an associated exercise and that a right answer to the would equal 10 reps of designated exercise, wrong answer would equal 2x reps

Question 1 Results – Correct, PAX would execute Jump Squats x 10 OYO

Mosey up two ramps

Question 2 Results – Correct, PAX execute Burpees x 10 OYO

Mosey up two ramps

Question 3 Results – Correct, PAX execute mericans x 10 IC

Mosey up to top

Question 4 Results – Correct, PAX execute Flutter Kicks x 10 IC

Run down the stairs to start point

Question 5 Results – Incorrect, PAX execute Handshake Mericans x 20

Run up two ramps

Question 6 Results – correct, PAX execute Partner Situps x 10

Continue to mosey and stop at each level and start over again increasing correct answer reps to 15 and incorrect answer equals 30 reps. 

Then we cycled through the questions and exercise a thrid time (got to two questions in) and raised the reps for correct answers to 20. 

YHC called an audible on the incorrect answer during round 2 for Burpees (PAX were happy) – then we moseyed to level 1 for some Mary


Touch them heels


Elbow Plan (1-min)

Recover Recover


Thanks to all PAX for working hard this morning and indulgin me in the pursuit of triia glory

Welcome Chris (FNG), hope to see you out there again for naming

Strong work by all PAX this morning – my fart sack was pretty strong this AM, but I won that battle

Thanks Qbert for the little pre-ruck.  You should check out Quarter Ruck CSAUP event March 10th – I think you will enjoy it

Finally, LaBon, hope the workout lived up to expectations, and I look forward to the next time

That is All!
