Three Years Strong

15 Pax avoided the fartsack and awoke to a full moon, damp pavement from the overnight rain and a Q celebrating three years of F3.

WARM-O-RAMA: Mosey-Lap to Basketball court. SSH x 25, Cotton Picker x 15, Toy Soldier x 15, Plank Jack x 15


·       Mosey to Whoville tree and Partner up SDNM. Dora 1-2-3. 100 Incline Merkins / 200 dips / 300 squats.

·       Line up all P1’s in one line and all P2’s in another line. Indian Run to Pain Clock circle.

·       P1 bear crawls ¼ lap + 20 CDDs while P2 runs 1 ¼ lap + 10 burpees. Flip-Flop.

·       Repeat except P1 does ¼ crab walk + 20 Scorpion DDs. Flip Flop.

·       Same two lines Indian Run back to playground and count off by 3’s.

·       1 = 10 pull-ups; 2 = 20 jump squats; 3 = 30 LBCs. Cycle through all 3 stations. Repeato.


·       J-Lo x 15 IC (Amen), Shoulder Tap Merkins x 15 IC (Snake Eyes)


  • Master Q and others brought lots of suggestions to alter the workout, but to no avail. Sorry, YHC doesn't usually take requests.
  • Olaf, fresh off his Polar Bear victory, was running faster than ever and is sleeper at-large pick for BRR teams looking to add a runner.
  • Welcome back Cotter to Steamy. Keep up the hard work. 
  • Omar—really strong work as my partner espeically carrying us through the Dips.
  • Great to see Tweetsie, Jingle Bells and Dirt visit The Wilderness.
  • Thanks to The Force for the honor and privilege of leading this group.
  • This is YHC’s three-year anniversary of F3 and the COT prayer captured all the past few years have meant:

Three years ago at the Mighty Jungle launch, I made my first F3 post. Thanks to Skipper and Ruffles for EH’ing me.  The initial pain of hard workouts has transformed into a routine that is one of the anchors in my life that keeps me grounded. F3 means many things to me: more than just a great fitness workout, more than incredible fellowship, more than faith in action.  F3 means I’ve been pushed to limits thought unattainable. I’ve found myself running in the dark in the middle of nowhere– not for my own fitness, but because others are relying on me to pass the baton. F3 means shared laughter is still the best medicine. When the mumble chatter crescendos and the Q’s cadence struggles to be heard, I can feel the bonds of fellowship grow. F3 has increased my compassion for my fellow man. The past few years have reminded me that any of life tragedies can happen without notice. F3 means there is a brotherhood ready to lift another when he is dealt any of life’s hardships. In short, ‘Am my brother’s keeper?’ is no longer a question. ‘I am my brother’s keeper” is the resounding answer for me.  I pray that F3 continues to touch the men here today, all F3 brothers and we continue to grow and influence our communities.  Amen.